

Effects of Tetraena Mongolica Shrub Degradation on Nutrient and Sedimentary Characteristics of Sand Piles


[目的]探究西鄂尔多斯国家级自然保护区四合木(Tetraena mongolica)灌丛衰退对其沙堆养分及沉积特征的影响,为干旱荒漠区灌丛衰退及沙堆养分聚集效应等相关研究提供理论基础.[方法]以四合木灌丛为研究对象,对不同衰退程度四合木灌丛沙堆土壤样品进行采集,通过分析其表层沉积物粒度及沙堆养分特征,探讨灌丛衰退对沙堆的影响.[结果]①西鄂尔多斯国家级自然保护区四合木灌丛沙堆表层沉积物主要以细砂为主,各衰退程度四合木灌丛表层沉积物细砂含量均超60%.随着灌丛衰退程度的下降,灌丛表层沉积物细砂及粗砂含量增加.四合木灌丛沙堆表层沉积物粒度近似为单峰,峰值粒径介于15.07~447.95 μm;裸沙地出现明显双峰,峰值为12.35~494.94μm和546.86~1482.94 μm.②四合木灌丛沙堆土壤养分含量均与丘间空地显著差异(p<0.05),且衰退程度>60%的四合木灌丛养分含量更高.③四合木灌丛沙堆养分显著高于丘间空地,对养分的积累有正效应,存在"肥岛"效应.对AN的富集能力最强,对SOM的富集能力最弱.除60%>衰退程度>30%的四合木灌丛外,其余衰退程度四合木灌丛对沙堆养分富集作用差异不明显.[结论]整体上看,研究区四合木灌丛沙堆衰退程度越大,表层沉积物细砂与粗砂含量越小,其下养分含量更高.

[Objective]The effects of Tetraena mongolica shrub decline on the nutrient and sedimentary characteristics of nebkhas in the West Ordos National Nature Reserve were determined,in order to provide a theoretical basis for the study of shrub decline and the nutrient accumulation effect of nebkhas in arid desert areas.[Methods]Taking Tetraena mongolica shrubland as a study area,soil samples from Tetraena mongolica shrubland areas with different degrees of shrub decline were collected,and the effects of shrub decline on sand piles were determined by analyzing the grain size of surface sediments and nutrient characteristics of sand piles.[Results]① The surface sediments of the sand piles of the Tetraena mongolica shrub in the Ordos National Nature Reserve were mainly fine sand.The fine sand content of the surface sediments of the Tetraena mongolica shrub in each decline degree exceeding 60%.With decreasing shrub decline,the content of fine sand and coarse sand in shrub surface sediments increased.The grain size of the surface sediment of the sand pile of the Tetraena mongolica shrub was approximately a single peak,and the peak particle size was between 15.07 and 447.95 μm.The bare sandy land showed obvious double peaks at 12.35-494.94 μm and at 546.86-1482.94 μm.② There were significant differences(p<0.05)in soil nutrient content between the sand dunes and the interdune space(areas with Tetraena mongolica shrub decline greater than 60%had higher nutrient content).③ The nutrient content of sand piles in Tetraena mongolica shrubland was significantly higher than that in interdune open space,which had a positive effect on nutrient accumulation,and there was a"fertilizer island"effect.The enrichment ability of AN was the strongest,and the enrichment ability of SOM was the weakest.Except for Tetraena mongolica shrublands with decline degrees between 30%and 60%,the recession degree of other Tetraena mongolica shrublands on the sand nutrient enrichment effect difference was not obvious.[Conclusion]On the whole,the greater the decay degree of the sand pile in the study area,the smaller the content of fine sand and coarse sand in the surface sediment,and the higher the nutrient content under it.


内蒙古农业大学沙漠治理学院,内蒙古呼和浩特 010018内蒙古农业大学沙漠治理学院,内蒙古呼和浩特 010018||内蒙古杭锦荒漠生态系统国家定位观测研究站,内蒙古鄂尔多斯 017400||包头市林业和草原局,内蒙古包头 014030内蒙古农业大学沙漠治理学院,内蒙古呼和浩特 010018||内蒙古杭锦荒漠生态系统国家定位观测研究站,内蒙古鄂尔多斯 017400内蒙古自治区水利科学研究院,内蒙古呼和浩特 010020



Tetraena mongolicaenrichment effectsoil nutrientnebkha

《水土保持通报》 2024 (003)

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