

Golden snub-nosed monkey diet research in Shennongjia National Park based on DNA barcoding technology


川金丝猴湖北亚种(Rhinopithecus roxellana hubeiensis)是种群数量最少的川金丝猴(R.roxellana)亚种,评估其食物组成及季节变化有助于了解其觅食策略和同域分布物种间的竞争关系,对物种保护及栖息地恢复等具有重要意义.分别于2023年冬季(2月)、春季(5月)和秋季(10月)在神农架国家公园采集金丝猴新鲜粪便样品,利用DNA宏条形码技术分析了粪便中的食源植物及其季节变化.研究共鉴别出127种金丝猴食源植物,分属于110个属62个科,科水平上相对序列丰度最高的为蔷薇科(Rosaceae),属水平上相对序列丰度最高的为花楸属(Sorbus),种水平上相对序列丰度最高的是地海椒(Archiphysalis sinensis).在不同季节食物组成中,冬季有56种,春季有76种,秋季有70种,其中春季偏好的食物为花楸属植物(Sorbus sp.)(27.34%)植物和藤山柳(Clematoclethra scandens)(16.56%);秋季偏好的食物为委陵菜(Potentilla chinensis)(22.12%)和花楸属植物(16.52%);冬季偏好的食物为地海椒(33.49%)和花楸属植物(28.13%).,3个季节的共有食物有20种,冬季的特有食物有16种,春季有29种,秋季有27种.冬季特有食物有地海椒等,春季特有食物有菱叶茴芹(Pimpinella rhomboidea)等,秋季特有食物有构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)等.春季和秋季之间的重叠食物种类最多有35种,春季和冬季的重叠食物种类有32种而冬季和秋季重叠食物种类最少仅有28种.不同季节食物多样性指数存在差异,冬季食物多样性指数最低,秋季较高,春季最高.食物多样性的季节变化与神农架植被物候特性一致.研究结果揭示了神农架川金丝猴的食物组成和季节变化,以及DNA条形码技术在食性研究中的优势和存在的问题,为川金丝猴的种群繁育和保护管理等提供了重要参考价值.

The Hubei subspecies of the golden snub-nosed monkey(Rhinopithecus roxellana hubeiensis)is the subspecies with the fewest population among all subspecies of golden snub-nosed monkey(R.roxellana).Estimating their food composition and its seasonal variation contribute to learning their foraging strategy and the competition between the sympatric species which is of great significance to species protection and their habitat restoration.The fresh fecal samples of golden snub-nosed monkeys were collected from Shennongjia National Park in winter(Feb.),spring(May.),and autumn(Oct.)of 2023.The plants for food and seasonal variation in them were analyzed by using DNA metabarcoding technology.A total of 127 plant species were identified,all plants belongs to 110 genera and 62 families.Rosaceae had the highest relative read abundance at the family level,and Sorbus had the highest relative read abundance at the genus level.The highest relative read abundance at the specie level was found in Archiphysalis sinensis.In the food composition of different seasons,56 species of plants were found in winter,76 species in spring,and 70 species in autumn.Sorbus sp.(27.34%)and Clematoclethra scandens(16.56%)were the preferred foods in spring.The preferred foods in autumn were Potentilla chinensis(22.12%)and Sorbus sp.(16.52%).In winter,the preferred food were Archiphysalis sinensis(33.49%)and Sorbus sp.(28.13%).There were 20 mutual species in the 3 seasons,16 endemic species in winter,29 endemic species in spring,and 27 endemic species in autumn.One of the winter endemic species is Archiphysalis sinensis,one of the spring endemic species is Pimpinella rhomboidea,and one of the autumn endemic species is Broussonetia papyrifera.The maximum number of mutual species was 35 between spring and autumn,32 mutual species between spring and winter,while the minimum number of mutual species was 28 between winter and autumn.Food diversity index varied between seasons,with the lowest food diversity index in winter,higher in autumn and highest in spring.Seasonal variations in food diversity of golden snub-nosed monkeys are consistent with the phenological characteristics of the vegetation in Shennongjia National Park.The result of study revealed the dietary composition and seasonal variation of golden snub-nosed monkeys in Shennongjia National Park,as well as the advantages and problems of DNA barcoding technology in dietary research,which provided vital reference value for the population breeding,conservation management of the golden snub-nosed monkeys and the others.


中国林业科学研究院森林生态环境与自然保护研究所,生物多样性保护国家林业和草原局重点实验室,北京 100091神农架国家公园管理局,神农架 442421


diet analysisDNA barcodingShennongjia national parkseasonal variationgolden snub-nosed monkey

《生态学报》 2024 (015)

6424-6435 / 12


