

Response of Maize Yield and Fertilizer Utilization to Reduction in Chemical Fertilizer and Application of Microbial Fertilizer


为探明化肥减量配施微生物菌肥调控玉米产量、肥料利用率、土壤养分含量的效应,筛选出微生物菌肥最佳用量,以不施肥和常规施肥为对照,在常规施肥减量20%基础上,配施4个用量微生物菌肥(300、600、900、1 200 kg·hm-2)处理,测定玉米穗部性状、产量、肥料利用率、土壤pH值、有机质、元素含量变化.结果表明:化肥减量配施中高用量微生物菌肥对产量影响显著,其中常规施肥减量20%+微生物菌肥900 kg·hm-2,玉米穗长、穗粗、出籽率、穗行数、行粒数和产量显著增加3.29%、2.70%、4.07%、3.76%、1.84%、16.31%,秃尖降低18.18%,同时氮、磷、钾养分利用率显著提高28.20%、27.29%、24.00%;与常规处理相比,化肥减量配施微生物菌肥处理的土壤pH值显著增加6.83%~7.93%,有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾含量显著增加4.87%~25.80%、1.73%~12.42%、7.72%~28.21%、1.49%~9.31%,且土壤养分含量均随着微生物菌肥用量的增加而升高.从生产经济成本效应考虑,推荐常规施肥减量20%+微生物菌肥900 kg·hm-2的施肥模式应用于玉米生产.

In order to investigate the effects of fertilizer reduction combined with microbial fertilizer on maize yield,fertilizer utilization rate and soil nutrient content,screen out the optimal dosage of microbial fertilizer,the experiment included control groups of no fertil-izer application and conventional fertilizer application.On the basis of reducing conventional fertilizer application by 20%,four differ-ent dosages of microbial biofertilizers(300,600,900,1 200 kg·hm-2)were applied.Maize ear traits,yield,fertilizer utilization rate,and changes in soil pH,organic matter,and fertilizer element content were measured.The results showed that fertilizer reduction com-bined with medium and high microbial fertilizer significantly affected the yield formation.With a 20%reduction in conventional fertil-ization combined with 900 kg·hm-2 microbial fertilizer,the length,ear diameter,seed emergence rate,number of rows,number of grains in rows and yield of corn significantly increased by 3.29%,2.70%,4.07%,3.76%,1.84%and 16.31%,and the bare tip de-creased by 18.18%.Meanwhile,the utilization rates of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium were significantly increased by 28.20%,27.29%and 24.00%.Compared with conventional treatment,soil pH value increased by 6.83%-7.93%,and contents of organic mat-ter,alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen,available phosphorus and available potassium increased by 4.87%-25.80%,1.73%-12.42%,7.72%-28.21%and 1.49%-9.31%.The soil nutrient content increased with the increase of the amount of microbial fertilizer.Considering the economic cost effect of production,it is recommended to apply the fertilizer mode of 20%reduction of conventional fertilization com-bined with 900 kg·hm-2 microbial fertilizer to corn production.


安阳市农业科学院,河南安阳 455000安阳职业技术学院,河南安阳 455000余姚市农业技术推广服务总站,浙江余姚 315400



maizeyieldfertilizer utilization ratemicrobial fertilizer

《天津农业科学》 2024 (007)

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