

The Effects of Rare Earth Light Conversion Film on Greenhouse Environment,Melon growth,and Fruit Quality


为稀土转光膜在设施蔬菜生产上的应用提供参考依据,以甜瓜嘉帅红星为试材,以普通高保温PO流滴膜为对照,研究在PO流滴膜基础上添加稀土转光材料母粒的稀土转光膜对日光温室内环境、甜瓜生长、果实品质的影响.采用OHSP-350U-VCOHS光谱仪对棚膜透射光谱进行测定,使用SPAD-502型叶绿素计等仪器、HOBO无线蓝牙温光度记录仪、PAL-BXIAACID3系列ATAGO艾拓糖度计等测定棚膜的光学性能及其覆盖日光温室内小环境、甜瓜生长、果实产量和主要品质等指标.结果表明,与普通PO流滴膜相比,添加稀土转光剂的稀土转光膜增加了棚内蓝紫光的比例,降低了绿光、红橙光的比例,降低了稀土转光膜温室内平均光照度和日最高光照度,提升了棚室内平均空气湿度、日最低空气湿度,甜瓜开花、授粉期提前2 d,甜瓜产量提高14.4%,商品瓜率提升2.7%,裂瓜率降低23.5%.综上,与高保温PO流滴膜相比,稀土转光膜在日光温室甜瓜栽培上具有增强植物光合作用、促进植株生长发育的作用.

To provide reference for the application of rare-earth light conversion film in facility vegetable production,melon Jiashuai-hongxing was used as test material,and ordinary high-temperature PO drip film was used as control(CK),the effects of rare earth light conversion film on the growth and fruit quality of muskmelon in solar greenhouse were studied.The OHSP-350UVCOHS spectrometer was used to measure the transmission spectrum of greenhouse films,SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter and other instruments,HOBO wire-less bluetooth temperature and luminosity recorder,PAL-BXIAACID3 series ATAGO sugar meter and other indicators were used to measure the optical properties of greenhouse films and their coverage of the greenhouse environment,melon growth,fruit yield,and main quality.Tne results showed that the rare-earth conversion film with added rare earth conversion agent increased the proportion of blue purple light in the greenhouse compared to the ordinary PO film,and decreased the proportion of green light and red orange light.The average light intensity and daily maximum light intensity inside the rare earth conversion film greenhouse had decreased.The av-erage indoor air humidity and daily minimum air humidity had been improved.The flowering and pollination period of cantaloupe had been advanced by 2 days.The yield of sweet melons per mu increased by 14.4%,the rate of commercial melons increased by 2.7%,and the cracking rate decreased by 23.5%.In conclusion,compared with high insulation PO film,rare earth light conversion film has the ability to enhance plant photosynthesis and promote plant growth and development in greenhouse melon cultivation.


天津市农业科学院,天津 300192天津赛维阳光新材料有限公司,天津 300350



rare earth light conversion filmsunlight greenhouse environmentmelonquality

《天津农业科学》 2024 (007)

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