

Design and Realization of Data Management and Control Module for Fixed Radio of DRTD System


基于数字通信技术的铁路数字列车无线调度通信系统(Digital Radio Communication System for Train Dispatching,DRTD)将作为450 MHz列调系统的替代方案.固定电台作为DRTD系统架构中车站侧的功能主体,负责与中心侧、邻站及其他需要数据语音互通的有线及无线系统组成部分进行互通.通过合理地对固定电台数据管理控制模块进行模块区分与功能设计,根据各个子功能种类及彼此间的联系,将其分为数据库处理模块、数据收发模块及信息管理控制等多个子模块,并使用多线程的架构进行模块的后台服务程序开发,保证模块功能的处理效率,有效支持整个DRTD系统的功能实现与系统稳定性.该模块软件已在现场试验中应用并稳定运行.

The Digital Radio Communication System for Train Dispatching(DRTD)based on digital communication technology will serve as an alternative solution of the 450 MHz train dispatching system.As the functional subject of the station side in the DRTD system architecture,the fixed station is responsible for intercommunication with the center side,adjacent stations,and other wired and wireless system components that require data and voice intercommunication.This paper conducts reasonable module distribution and function design for the data management and control module of fixed radio according to the type of each sub-function and the relation between each other,which is divided into multiple sub-modules,such as database processing module,data receiving and sending module and information management and control module.The multi-threaded architecture is used for the development of the background service program of the module,to ensure the processing efficiency of the module functions,which effectively supports the function realization and system stability of the whole DRTD system.The module software has been applied in the field test and runs stably.


北京全路通信信号设计院集团有限公司,北京 100070中国铁路上海局集团有限公司上海通信段,上海 200080中国铁路上海局集团有限公司,上海 200080



railway communicationDRTDdispatching communication

《铁路通信信号工程技术》 2024 (008)

41-45,58 / 6


