

High-rise building fire rescue equipment deployment based on case reasoning and multi-objective optimization


为提升高层建筑火灾应急救援效率,减少事故可能造成的人员伤亡和经济损失,首先建立高层建筑火灾典型案例库,构建消防救援装备需求预测模型求解事故点消防救援装备需求量;其次从效率、合理性、可靠性3 方面提出消防救援装备调配方案优化目标并构建对应的目标函数,建立了调配时间最短前提下应急出救点最少、调配路线最可靠的多目标优化模型;最后采用实例验证方案优化效果,以西安市主城区21 个应急出救点为研究对象,运用需求预测模型求解目标事故算例的消防救援装备需求,根据研究区域和应急出救点概况,使用ArcGIS网络分析求解各应急出救点到事故点的调配最短时间,利用构建的多目标优化模型选出最优调配方案.结果表明:最优调配方案的调配时间为7′34″,应急出救点数量为7 个,可靠率为64%,验证了模型及求解方法的有效性和可行性;最终在ArcGIS中实现最优调配方案路径的可视化.研究结果能够为解决城市高层建筑火灾受灾区域内的应急需求问题提供可靠方案,为城市高层建筑火灾实现高效应急救援提供指导.

In order to enhance the efficiency of emergency response in high-rise building fires and re-duce potential casualties and economic losses caused by accidents.Firstly,this study established a typi-cal case database of high-rise building fires and constructed a fire rescue equipment demand prediction model to solve the demand for equipment at the incident site.Secondly,optimization objectives for fire-fighting and rescue equipment deployment were proposed from three aspects:efficiency,rationality,and reliability.Finally,the corresponding objective functions were constructed.Finally,a multi-objective op-timization model with the minimum emergency rescue points and the most reliable deployment routes was constructed under the premise of minimizing deployment time.The effectiveness of the optimized solution was validated using a case study approach.In the case study,the 21 emergency rescue points in the main urban area of Xi'an city were taken as the research objects.The demand prediction model was used to solve the fire rescue equipment requirements of the target accident case.Based on the re-search area and the overview of emergency rescue points,ArcGIS network analysis was used to calcu-late the shortest deployment time from each emergency rescue point to the incident location.And then the multi-objective optimization model was utilized to select the optimal deployment plan.The results show that the optimal deployment plan has a deployment time of 7′34″,a total of 7 emergency rescue points and a reliability rate of 64%.which verifies the effectiveness and feasibility of the model and so-lution method.The optimal deployment plan path is visualized in ArcGIS.The research findings can provide reliable solutions for addressing emergency needs in areas affected by urban high-rise building fire affected areas,and offer guidance for achieving efficient emergency resue in such accidents.


西安科技大学 安全科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710054||国家矿山救援西安研究中心,陕西 西安 710054西安科技大学 安全科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710054西安科技大学 安全科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710054||内蒙古第一机械集团有限公司西安应急装备研究中心,陕西 西安 710076



high-rise building fireemergency rescueequipment deploymentArcGISdemand forecas-tingmulti-objective optimization

《西安科技大学学报》 2024 (004)

615-626 / 12


