

Numerical simulation of factors influencing the diffusion of LPG vapor cloud leakage in a chemical park


液化石油气(Liquified Petroleum Gas,LPG)泄漏、扩散过程中受制于诸多因素影响,但不同因素对LPG泄漏、扩散形成的蒸气云体积和范围的敏感程度尚不明确.以多种配比的丙烷/丁烷组成的LPG气云为研究对象,应用FLACS软件对气云组成、泄漏条件、障碍物及环境等 4类因素对某化工园区LPG蒸气云泄漏、扩散特性的影响进行仿真模拟.结果表明:丙烷和丁烷组成的LPG混合气中,丙烷占比越高,爆炸极限越大,混合气泄漏会引起该化工园区更大的潜在事故风险;Q9max则与泄漏速率呈线性增长关系,泄漏速率从24 kg/s增加至48 kg/s时,二者Q9max相差94 795 m3,增幅达到113.59%;Q9max随泄漏源数量的增加而上升,在三源泄漏情景下,泄漏事故最佳应急处置时间在3.3 min内;当存在障碍物时Q9max增长了 368.9%,是无障碍物时的4.68 倍,远远大于无障碍物状态;大气稳定度对Q9max影响较小,但环境风速及环境温度影响较大,Q9max随着环境风速增大而降低,随环境温度升高而上升.4 类因素敏感程度从高到低依次是障碍物因素>泄漏条件因素>环境因素>气云组成因素.模拟结果对该园区开展风险事故防范具有指导意义.

Liquefied petroleum gas(LPG)leakage and diffusion are affected by many factors,but the sensitivity of different factors to LPG leakage and dispersion is not clear.The study focused on LPG gas clouds composed of multiple ratios of propane/butane,and applied FLACS software to simulate the effects of four factors:gas cloud composition,leakage conditions,obstacles,and environmental factors on the leakage and diffusion characteristics of LPG vapor clouds in a chemical park.The results show that the higher the proportion of propane in the LPG mixture composed of propane and butane,the higher the explosion limit,and the mixture leakage will cause a greater potential risk of accidents in the chem-ical park;Q9max is linearly related to the leakage rate,and when the leakage rate increases from 24 kg/s to 48 kg/s,the difference in Q9max between the two is 94 795 m3,with an increase of 113.59%;Q9max increases with the increase of the number of leakage sources,and in the three-source leakage scenario,the optimal emergency response time for the leakage accident is within 3.3 min;When Q9max increases by 368.9%,which is 4.68 times that of no obstacles,and is much larger than that of the non-obstruc-ted state;the atmospheric stability has less influence on Q9max,but ambient wind speed and ambient temperature have a larger effect:Q9max decreases with the increase of ambient wind speed and increases with the increase of ambient temperature.The four categories of factors are,in descending order of sen-sitivity,obstacle>leakage conditions>environmental conditions>gas cloud composition.The simula-tion results are of guiding significance for the prevention of risky accidents in the park.


西安科技大学 安全科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710054兵器工业卫生研究所,陕西 西安 710065南京工业大学 安全科学与工程学院,江苏 南京 210009



LPGsimulationleakage diffusiongas cloud compositioninfluencing factorssensitivity

《西安科技大学学报》 2024 (004)

627-638 / 12


