

Effect of rock-coal strength ratio on acoustic emission and fracture fractal characteristics of assemblage


为研究不同岩煤强度比条件下煤岩组合体分层介质的渐进破坏特征,采用DYD-10 电子万能试验机、PCI-8 型声发射信号采集系统,结合能量耗散、分形理论,对不同岩煤强度比的煤岩组合体开展了单轴压缩试验.结果表明:不同岩煤强度比组合体试件破坏模式为煤体部分的剪切破裂进而牵引岩体破裂;岩煤强度比的增加,使得煤岩组合体的抗压强度在有限的范围内增加,而煤体强度是影响试件抗压强度的主要因素;分形维数Dc 的斜率均大于Dr,煤岩组合体全应力应变过程中裂隙在煤体部分的发育程度更完全;随着岩煤强度比增大,煤岩组合体中煤体部分裂隙更加发育、破坏程度更大,岩体部分裂隙扩展范围更小;当岩煤强度比增大时,煤岩组合体储能极限逐渐减小,试件内部储存的能量不足以驱动裂隙进一步向岩层部分扩展.该研究对进一步完善采动煤岩体动力学灾害防治具有重要意义.

In order to study the progressive failure characteristics of coal-rock assemblages in layered medium under the conditions of different rock-coal strength ratios,uniaxial compression experiments were carried out on coal-rock assemblages with different rock-coal strength ratios by using DYD-10 e-lectronic universal testing machine and PCI-8 acoustic emission signal acquisition system,combined with the theory of energy dissipation and fractal theory.The experimental results show that:the failure mode of the assemblage specimens with different rock-coal strength ratios is the shear failure of the coal body pulling the rock to form a fissure,which induces the rupture of the rock;the increase of the rock-coal strength ratio leads to a limited increase in the compressive strength of the coal-rock assemblage,and the coal seam is the main factor influencing the compressive strength of the specimen.The slopes of the fractal dimension Dc are all greater than those of Dr,indicating that the fractures are more complete-ly developed in the coal body during the full stress-strain of the coal-rock assemblage.When the rock-to-coal strength ratio increases,the energy storage limit of the coal-rock assemblage gradually decrea-ses,and the energy stored inside the specimen is not enough to drive the fracture to expand further into the rock layer.It is of great significance for the further improvement of the dynamics of coal-rock as-semblages in mining for the purpose of disaster prevention and control.


西安科技大学 安全科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710054||煤炭行业西部矿井瓦斯智能抽采工程研究中心,陕西 西安 710054||新疆煤与煤层气工程技术中心,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000西安科技大学 安全科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710054西安科技大学 安全科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710054||煤炭行业西部矿井瓦斯智能抽采工程研究中心,陕西 西安 710054新疆维吾尔自治区煤炭科学研究所,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000||新疆煤与煤层气工程技术中心,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000



assemblagerock-coal strength ratioprogressive failurefractal dimensionenergy dissipa-tion

《西安科技大学学报》 2024 (004)

649-659 / 11


