

Scenario construction and emergency response of large-scale power outages in universities


高校作为一个独特的社区,对大面积停电事件的敏感性较高.此类事件不仅影响教学和生活,还可能威胁到高校的安全稳定.为全面探究大面积停电事件对高校安全稳定的影响及应急处置策略,首先通过分析近年来国内外高校大面积停电事件,归纳出人为、技术和设备、系统设计、自然环境等影响因素,从电网、基础设施、服务保障、社会影响 4 个层面建立影响模型,分析了高校电力系统的整体性及脆弱性;然后结合霍尔三维结构理论,从风险演化、事件分类、应急响应3 个维度构建了高校大面积停电事件情景构建分析模型,对高校大面积停电重点关注事件、情景处置和应急任务进行分类、分层阐释;最后基于西安某高校停电事件,对情景构建分析模型和应急任务的可行性进行了验证.结果表明:列出的不同时段重点关注事件有助于识别高校大面积停电事件突发应对关键脆弱点,建立的情景构建分析模型和应急任务是可行的.研究结果能为高校有效应对大面积停电事件、保障校园安全稳定提供参考.

As a unique community,universities are more sensitive to large-scale power outages.Such e-vents not only affect teaching and life,but also may threaten the safety and stability of universities.In order to comprehensively explore the impact of large-scale power outages on the safety and stability of universities and emergency response strategies,firstly such four types of influencing factors as human,technology and equipment,system design,and natural environment were summarized by analyzing re-cent large-scale power outages in domestic and foreign universities.A power system impact model was established from four levels:power grid,infrastructure,service guarantee and social impact,and the in-tegrity and vulnerability of the university power system were analyzed.Then,combined with Hall's three-dimensional structure theory,a scenario analysis model for large-scale power outages in universi-ties was constructed from such three dimensions as risk evolution,event classification and emergency response to realize the classification and hierarchical interpretation of the key events,scenario disposal and emergency tasks of large-scale power outage events in universities.Finally,based on the power out-age event of a university in Xi'an,the feasibility of scenario construction analysis model and emergency tasks was verified.The results show that the key events during different time periods can help to identi-fy key vulnerable points in the emergency response to large-scale power outages in universities,and the scenario construction analysis model and emergency tasks are feasible.The research results can provide reference for universities to effectively deal with large-scale power outages and ensure campus security and stability.


西安科技大学 安全科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710054西安科技大学 通信与信息工程学院,陕西 西安 710054西安科技大学 材料科学与工程学院,陕西 西安 710054



large-scale power outage eventsscenario constructionemergency managementimpact of power systememergency response

《西安科技大学学报》 2024 (004)

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