

The'U-G-S&E'Educational Model of Integrating Industry and Education for Professional M.Ed



Integrating industry and education is a deep cooperation between education and industry.The policy on the integration of industry and education in China has developed from vocational to general education.This chan-nel conforms to the logic of cultivating master's education talents.The'U-G-S&E'education model is led by univer-sities,with the government providing policy guidance and financial support,and schools and enterprises collabora-ting to cultivate master's education.Through practical exploration,it has been found that the'U-G-S&E'model can better stimulate students'motivation to improve their professional abilities;assist students in career planning and employment;enhance the effectiveness of competition empowerment;assist in deepening the understanding of the organic connection among the education chain,talent chain,industry chain,and innovation chain for on-campus mentors in universities and off-campus mentors from primary and secondary schools and enterprises;it can also as-sist in incubating local enterprises to participate in the selection of national industry education integration enterpri-ses,and promote local enterprises to better integrate into the construction of the national modern education system.


云南大学职业与继续教育学院,云南 昆明 650091



professional M.Edintegration of industry and educationU-G-S&Ecareer ability

《西南林业大学学报》 2024 (008)

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