

Typical Global Case Analysis and Implications of Technology for Educational Equity:Taking 28 King Hamad Prize Programs as an Example


利用技术促进教育公平是近年来全球各国努力的重要方向.为表彰该领域的全球优秀项目,联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)于 2005 年设置了哈马德国王奖,截至 2023 年底,共产生了 28 个获奖项目.研究针对这 28 个项目进行深入剖析,发现不同主体主导的项目具有不同的特征:(1)政府主导的项目以建设基础设施为主,开发数字课程资源为辅,关注信息社会带来的挑战;基于学习平台结构化数字资源,着力解决地区发展不平衡带来的教育差距;以数字教学工具为依托,强调优质资源的均衡分配;(2)社会组织主导的项目研发在线学习平台,为全球在线学习提供技术支持;将游戏化学习引入教学,着力培养公民的信息社会责任;强调多种技术应用并存,关注弱势及有学习需求的群体;(3)大学主导的项目旨在建设学习系统,融入智能评价技术,支持终身学习;关注混合式学习,拓宽学位获取途径;(4)公司主导的项目尤其注重智能技术的融合创新;(5)个人主导的项目以数字技能培训为主.研究最后从五个层面提出获奖项目对我国技术促进教育公平的启示:(1)政府部门应汇聚国家力量,为不同阶段教育公平问题提供普惠的解决方案;(2)社会组织应有的放矢,针对特定的弱势群体提供有针对性的技术解决方案;(3)大学应带头开展创新教育教学实践,利用技术助力国家终身学习体系构建;(4)公司应汇聚资本和研发力量,通过技术上的攻坚克难破解特定教育难题;(5)个人应顺应时代变革趋势,成为所在组织利用技术革新教育的积极推动者.

The use of technology to promote educational equity has become important direction of global efforts in recent years.In recognition of typical global cases in the field,the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)es-tablished the King Hamad Prize in 2005,with a total of 28 projects awarded by the end of 2023.Through in-depth analysis of these 28 projects,it is found that the projects led by different subjects have different characteristics:(1)Government-led projects focus on in-frastructure construction,supplemented by the development of digital curriculum resources,and focus on the challenges brought by the information society.Structured digital resources based on learning platforms,strive to address the education gap caused by the im-balance of regional development.Based on digital teaching tools,emphasizes the balanced distribution of high-quality resources.(2)So-cial organization-led projects develop online learning platforms to provide technical support for global online learning.Introduce gami-fied learning into teaching to focus on cultivating citizens'responsibility of information society.Emphasize the coexistence of multiple technology applications to focus on the disadvantaged and the groups with learning needs.(3)University-led projects aim to build learning systems that incorporate intelligent assessment technologies to support lifelong learning.Focus on blend learning to broaden access to degree.(4)Company-led projects especially emphasize the integration and innovation of intelligent technologies.(5)Individual-led projects mainly focus on digital skills training.Finally,five levels of insight are proposed to promote educational equity in China.(1)Government should pool national strength to provide inclusive solutions to educational equity issues at different stages.(2)Social or-ganizations should aim at specific vulnerable groups to provide targeted technical solutions.(3)Universities should take the lead in car-rying out innovative teaching practices,and use technology to help build a national lifelong learning system.(4)Companies should gath-er capital and research and development strength to solve specific educational problems through technical breakthroughs.(5)Individuals should conform to the changing trend of The Times and become active promoters of the use of technology to innovate education in their organizations.


浙江大学教育学院(浙江杭州 310058)



Information TechnologyEducational EquityKing Hamad PrizeCase Analysis

《远程教育杂志》 2024 (004)

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