

Investigation on the Infection of Bovine Piroplasma in Tumushuke City of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region


为掌握新疆图木舒克市牛梨形虫感染情况,采用PCR方法对采自 10 个采样点的 862 份牛全血样品进行了梨形虫检测,并对阳性产物进行了序列对比和系统发育树构建.结果显示:牛梨形虫总感染率为 41.53%(358/862),新发现 1 例东方泰勒虫感染,其余均为环形泰勒虫感染,并未发现巴贝斯虫感染;不同样点检测结果显示,样点4梨形虫阳性率最高(64.91%),其次是样点9(61.11%),样点1与样点3梨形虫阳性率较低,样点 10 未发现梨形虫感染;不同时间检测结果显示,样点 1、2、3、6、7、9 梨形虫阳性率呈下降趋势,样点4、5 阳性率呈上升趋势;系统进化树显示,环形泰勒虫与我国新疆来源虫株(EU083799)同源性为 100%,在进化树上聚为一个分支,东方泰勒虫与波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那虫株(ON148462)同源性为99%,亲缘关系较近.结果说明:梨形虫在图木舒克市牛群中普遍存在,但不同地点阳性率存在差异;环形泰勒虫为图木舒克市的优势梨形虫种.建议养殖场根据当地的养殖方式及梨形虫感染情况制定针对性防控方案,同时加强牛梨形虫的监测工作.

In order to investigate the infection status of bovine Piroplasma in Tumushuke,Xinjiang,862 bovine whole blood samples taken from 10 sampling sites were detected for Piroplasma by PCR,and sequence comparison and phylogenetic tree construction for the positive products were conducted.The results showed that the total infection rate of bovine Piroplasma was 41.53%(358/862),a new case infected with Theileria orientalis was found,and all the others were infected with T.annulata,but none was with Babesia;it was found that,based on the detection results of different sampling sites,the positive rate of Piroplasma was the highest in site 4(64.91%),then in site 9(61.11%),lower in the sites of 1 and 3,but none Piroplasma was found in site 10;based on the detection results of different times,it was showed that the positive rate of Piroplasma tended to decrease in sites of 1,2,3,6,7 and 9,but increase in sites 4 and 5;phylogenetic tree showed that T.annulata was 100%identical to the strain of Xinjiang origin(EU083799),both of which were clustered as a branch on the evolutionary tree,and T.orientalis was 99%identical to the strain(ON148462)isolated in Bosnia and Herzegovina,indicating a close genetic relationship.In conclusion,Piroplasma was widely distributed in cattle in Tumushuke,but its positive rate depended on different sites;T.annulata is the dominant Piroplasma species in this area.Farms were recommended to prepare targeted plans to prevent and control Piroplasma according to local conditions and status of infection,and to improve their monitoring over bovine Piroplasma.


新疆农垦科学院畜牧兽医研究所,省部共建绵羊遗传改良与健康养殖国家重点实验室,新疆石河子 832000||石河子大学动物科技学院,新疆石河子 832000新疆农垦科学院畜牧兽医研究所,省部共建绵羊遗传改良与健康养殖国家重点实验室,新疆石河子 832000新疆生产建设兵团第三师畜牧兽医工作站,新疆图木舒克 843900



bovine PiroplasmaPCR detectionsequence analysisinfection

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (008)

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