

Emergency Epidemiological Investigation on an Entry Gosling Plague Outbreak


2023年9月30日,云南省腾冲市某肉鹅养殖场购入的雏鹅发生疫情,表现精神萎靡、食欲不振、腹泻、流鼻涕,并大量死亡.为查明病因,开展了紧急流行病学调查.结果显示:雏鹅累计发病 2 567 只、死亡 2 450只,袭击率为98.7%(2 567/2 600),病死率为95.4%(2 450/2 567).综合流行病学调查结果、雏鹅临床症状、剖检变化和实验室检测结果,确诊本起疫情为鹅细小病毒感染引起的小鹅瘟.不规范引种、长途运输应激和育雏不当等是引起疫情的主要原因.本起疫情提示,养殖场应规范引种,加强饲养管理,相关部门需加大检疫监管力度,尽可能避免输入性疫情发生.

On September 30,2023,an outbreak occurred in goslings purchased by a goose farm in Tengchong City,Yunnan Province.The goslings showed the symptoms of depression,loss of appetite,diarrhoea,runny nose and a large number of death.In order to identify the cause of the outbreak,an emergency epidemiological investigation was carried out.The results showed that a total of 2 567 goslings were attacked and 2 450 died,with an attack rate of 98.7%(2 567/2 600)and a fatality rate of 95.4%(2 450/2 567).Based on the results of epidemiological investigation,clinical symptoms,pathological autopsy and laboratory testing,the outbreak was confirmed as a gosling plague caused by goose parvovirus infection,which was mainly caused by informal introduction of goslings,long-distance transport stress and improper brooding.To this end,farms should standardize their introduction of animals and improve feeding management,and relevant authorities should increase their efforts in quarantine supervision to avoid any occurrence of entry outbreak as much as possible.


云南省动物疫病预防控制中心,云南昆明 650201云南农业职业技术学院,云南昆明 650031腾冲市动物疫病预防控制中心,云南腾冲 679100腾冲市畜牧工作站,云南腾冲 679100



emergency epidemiological investigationgosling plagueYunnan Province

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (008)

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