

Thoughts and Recommendations on Further Legislation on Veterinary Drugs


自《兽药管理条例》(简称《条例》)颁布实施以来,我国兽药行业获得了极大发展.然而,随着社会发展和行业进步,现行《条例》在执行过程中逐渐显现出一些与当前工作形势不相适应的问题.本文中,从兽药研发、生产、经营、使用以及监督管理环节,介绍了《条例》颁布实施以来的成效,详细分析了其实施后出现的权威性不够、适用范围过于宽泛、事权划分不尽合理等 7 方面问题.基于此,提出了加快对兽药管理工作进行立法,制定《兽医药品法》的建议.通过论述立法的必要性、可行性以及指导思想和基本原则,从明确立法时间安排、工作步骤以及《兽医药品法》的适用范围和需要调整的主要内容等方面,展望了后续立法工作,以期进一步规范兽医药品的生产、经营、使用和监管等工作,促进兽药产品质量提高,保障动物源产品质量安全.

Veterinary drug industry has been greatly developed in China since the Regulations on Administration of Veterinary Drugs(the Regulations)was enacted.However,some shortcomings incompatible with current conditions have emerging during the implementation of the Regulations with the development of society and the progress of the industry.Here,the achievements since the implementation of the Regulations were introduced from the areas of development,production,operation,use,supervision and management of veterinary drugs,and such shortcomings as lack of authority,overbroad scope of application,unreasonable division between matters and authority as well as other shortcomings found in practice were analyzed.To this end,recommendation of"speeding up the legislation on the management of veterinary drugs,formulating the Law on Veterinary Drugs"was proposed.Based on the discussion of necessity,feasibility,guiding ideology and general principles of the legislation,subsequent legislative efforts were prospected from the aspects of clarifying the timetable and procedure of legislation as well as the application scope of the Law on Veterinary Drugs,and the main contents to be adjusted,with a view to further standardizing the production,operation,use and supervision of veterinary drugs,upgrading the quality of veterinary drug products and safeguarding the quality and safety of animal-derived products.


中国兽医药品监察所,北京 100081



legislation on veterinary drugsRegulations on Administration of Veterinary Drugsimplementation achievementrecommendation on work

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (008)

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