

Discussion on the Legal Provisions on the Transportation of Experimental Animals Based on the Perspective of Animal Disease Prevention



Abstrct:Good efforts in animal disease prevention shall be subject to relevant laws and regulations during transportation of experimental animals to prevent any cross-regional spread of animal diseases over long distances.In the paper,based on the perspective of animal disease prevention,laws and regulations and relevant requirements that should be followed during the road transportation of experimental animals by domestic entities,especially to specified animal disease free zones,and before,during and after transportation were summarized,noncompliance that was likely to occur during transportation was pointed out,followed by corresponding punishment measures,animal disease prevention authorities were recommended to improve animal health supervision over the transportation of experimental animals as well as publicize relevant laws and regulations,and the entities for transporting experimental animals were recommended to further study the regulations related to animal disease prevention and operate the procedure according to laws,aiming to provide a reference for good efforts in disease prevention of experimental animals.


青岛易邦生物工程有限公司,山东青岛 266114烟台市农业综合执法支队,山东烟台 264009青岛市城阳区农业农村局,山东青岛 266109中国动物卫生与流行病学中心,山东青岛 266032



experimental animalroad transportationlaws and regulationsspecified animal disease free zone

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (008)

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