

Exploration of High-Quality Development Path of China's Natural Gas Industry



The natural gas industry is crucial for the carbon emission reduction,energy security,and structural transformation of China's energy system.Therefore,the high-quality development of the industry can inject impetus for the green transformation of the economy and society,construction of a new type of energy system,technological innovation,and international cooperation.This study analyzes the basis for and major challenges faced by the high-quality development of China's natural gas industry.Specifically,the weak links in the high-quality development of the natural gas industry is mainly manifested in the insufficient supply capacity,incomplete market mechanism,and lack of innovation capabilities regarding key technologies and equipment.In this regard,the study proposes a path for the high-quality development of China's natural gas industry:(1)guaranteeing the safe supply of natural gas,(2)improving the market system of the natural gas industry,(3)promoting the upgrading of technologies and equipment in the natural gas industry,and(4)accelerating the green and low-carbon development of the natural gas industry.This aims to innovate the development ideas of the natural gas industry and better satisfy the requirements for realizing high-quality economic development,guaranteeing energy security,promoting carbon peaking and carbon neutralization,and achieving balanced industrial development.


西南石油大学经济管理学院,成都 610500油气藏地质及开发工程全国重点实验室,成都 610500



energy systemnatural gas industryenergy transitionupgrading of technology and equipmentgreen and low-carbon development

《中国工程科学》 2024 (004)

63-71 / 9

国家社会科学基金项目(22&ZD105) National Social Science Fund Project(22&ZD105)

