

HCV micro-elimination mode for patients in a tertiary first-class hospital in Jiangxi Province based on healthcare-associated infection early warning system


目的 探索并评价江西省某综合医院就诊患者丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)微消除模式,为省内制定消除HCV公共健康危害策略提供参考依据.方法 收集该院2021年1月-2022年12月就诊并进行HCV筛查的住院患者相关数据,其中2021年为基线数据,2022年为HCV微消除模式运行数据,分析其性别、年龄、送检科室、抗-HCV阳性率、HCV-RNA阳性率等指标,以专科就诊率、治疗率、失访率分析其运行效果,以SWOT-AHP法定量评价模式发展.结果 2021-2022年共有397 744例住院患者进行抗-HCV筛查,男女性别比为1.34∶1,平均年龄为54岁,送检科室主要以感染科/消化科为主.62份患者标本HCV基因亚型分型主要以1b亚型(43份)为主,其次为6亚型(9份).模式运行后首次HCV预警率为81.20%,预警后抗-HCV送检率达93.15%,后续弹窗预警抗-HCV送检率为100%.与2021年比较,2022年HCV住院患者治疗率上升,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);而专科就诊率、患者失访率差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05).模式运行重心坐标计算P(X,Y)=(0.018 2,0.006 9),位于第一象限.结论 江西省某综合医院就诊患者HCV微消除模式可行且成效明显,下一步模式优化应重视SO策略(依靠内部优势,利用外部机会).

Objective To explore and evaluate the micro-elimination mode of hepatitis C virus(HCV)in patients in a general hospital in Jiangxi Province,and provide reference for formulating provincial strategies to eliminate the public health hazards of HCV.Methods Relevant data of hospitalized patients who received HCV screening at the hospital from January 2021 to December 2022 were collected.Data from 2021 were set as the baseline and data from 2022 as the HCV micro-elimination mode operating data.Indexes such as gender,age,department,anti-HCV posi-tive rate,HCV-RNA positive rate,etc.were analyzed.The operational effect was analyzed based on specialty de-partment visiting rate,treatment rate,and loss-to-follow-up(LTFU)rate.The development of the mode was quan-titatively evaluated by superiority weakness opportunity threats-analytic hierarchy process(SWOT-AHP)method.Results A total of 397 744 hospitalized patients underwent anti-HCV screening from 2021 to 2022,with a male to female ratio of 1.34∶1 and an average age of 54 years old.The main departments for patients receiving screening were infectious diseases/gastroenterology departments.HCV gene subtypes in specimens from 62 patients was mainly subtype 1b(43 specimens),followed by subtype 6(9 specimens).The first HCV early warning rate after mode operation was 81.20%,the anti-HCV detection rate after warning was 93.15%,and the anti-HCV detection rate after subsequent pop-up window early warning was 100%.Compared with 2021,the treatment rate of HCV hospi-talized patients in 2022 has increased,with statistically significant difference(P<0.05).However,there were no statistically significant differences in patients'specialty department visiting rate and LTFU rate(both P>0.05).Barycentric coordinates calculation P(X,Y)=(0.018 2,0.006 9)located in the first quadrant.Conclusion The HCV micro-elimination mode for patients in a general hospital in Jiangxi Province is feasible and effective.Further mode optimization should focus on strengths/opportunities(SO)strategy,to rely on internal advantages and utilize external opportunities.


南昌大学第一附属医院感染控制处,江西南昌 330000



hepatitis C virusmicro-eliminationhealthcare-associated infection systemearly warning systemmode explorationHCV

《中国感染控制杂志》 2024 (008)

993-1000 / 8


