

Artificial reproduction and embryonic development of Onychostoma rara


为实现稀有白甲鱼(Onychostoma rara)的人工繁殖,丰富稀有白甲鱼胚胎发育的生物学资料,2016-2019年从怀化市沅江水系捕捞野生稀有白甲鱼12批次,放入网箱中进行驯化养殖,获得性腺发育成熟的稀有白甲鱼亲本,2019年人工繁殖获得成功,繁育苗种8500尾;2023年,子一代苗种性腺发育成熟,获得全人工繁殖成功,繁殖苗种20.2万尾.雌鱼适宜催产药物组合和剂量为:LHRH-A2 12 μg/kg+HCG 700 IU/kg+PG 1.5 mg/kg,分两次注射,雄鱼剂量减半.采用干法受精,显微镜下观察并记录受精卵的时序及发育特征.稀有白甲鱼受精卵颜色为黄色,沉性卵,具有微黏性,受精30 min后黏性消失,卵径为(2.21±0.06)mm,吸水膨胀后卵径为(2.88±0.07)mm.水温为19.5~25.5 ℃时,稀有白甲鱼胚胎孵化时长约为45.5 h,孵化累积积温为1024.39 h·℃.初孵鱼苗呈淡黄色,全身无其他色素,孵化后第2天,眼球黑色素沉着,心脏及腹部红色血管清晰可见.当孵化温度降低,胚胎出膜的时间延长,出膜前期眼球色素明显,心脏及腹部可见红色血液流动,表现出更完善的发育状态.本研究首次实现了稀有白甲鱼的人工繁殖,并对其胚胎发育的时序及发育特征进行了较为系统的观察,为稀有白甲鱼野生种群恢复及规模化产业开发提供了苗种,也为我国土著鱼类繁育提供了重要参考资料.

Onychostoma rara is a fish species distributed only in the Yuan River system in the middle Yangtze River and the Xijiang River system in the Pearl River basin of China.It is locally popular due to its tender meat,delicious taste,and high nutritional value.However,stressors including overfishing and environmental damage have led to a sharp decline in the number of O.rara and it is currently listed as an endangered fish species in the"Red List of Species in China."The artificial breeding and release of endangered fish can aid in protecting them from extinction.To achieve this,wild O.rara were captured from the Yuan River system in Huaihua from 2016-2019.In 2019,numerous artificially reared O.rara reached sexual maturity,and the F1 generation was obtained by artificial cultivation and manual stimulation with oxytocin.Our findings indicate that male F1 individuals attain sexual maturity for the first time at the age of 2 years,whereas female Fl individuals achieve sexual maturity at 3 years.By the age of 4 years,90%of the F1 population has reached sexual maturity.In 2023,we successfully achieved the controlled reproduction of cultured O.rara.Until Det 2023,there were 100 wild parents,2000 cultured parents,and 2.02×105newly hatched larvae.One hundred male and one hundred female parents were sequestered in two separate net cage for the subsequent artificial oxytocin experiment."Artificial oxytocin was injected with a mixture of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone A2,chorionic gonadotropin,and carp pituitary gland extract.Each female received two injections,while each male received one that was half the dose of the female's second dose.After the response period was reached,which was approximately 11 h after the second injection,the fertilization was performed using the artificial dry method.The sequence and morphological characteristics of the developing fertilized eggs were observed using a microscope and described in detail.The newly spawned eggs of O.rara were yellow,sinkable,and weakly adhesive,with an average diameter of(2.21±0.06)mm.After absorbing water and approximately 30 min after fertilization,the average diameter of the fertilized eggs expanded to(2.88±0.07)mm and became non-adhesive.When the water temperature was 19.5-25.5 ℃,the time from fertilization to hatching was 45.5 h,and the accumulated temperature from fertilization to hatching was 1024.39 h·℃.The newly hatched larvae showed a light-yellow color,with no other pigments visible throughout the larva body.On the second day,melanosis in the eyes and red blood vessels in the heart and abdomen were clearly visible.When the water temperature was decreased,the time of the embryo hatching from the membrane was extended,and the embryonic development of the prophase stage of incubation was more complete;furthermore,the eye pigments were clearly visible,and red blood flow could be seen in the heart and abdomen.The morphological characteristics of the prophase stage of incubation were basically consistent with those of the larvae on the second day,with higher water temperatures.This suggests that temperature is crucial for the hatching and development of O.rara embryos. In general,the egg traits of the O.rara are basically the same as those of other fish in the genus Onychostoma,which may be related to their typical habitats such as rivers with strong currents and gravelly bottoms.In such environments,fertilized eggs can be dispersed with water flowing downward into the spaces between rocks to avoid predation and improve survival rates.However,due to the difference between species and environmental factors,the degree and stage of organ development and the time from fertilization to hatching are different.Using artificial breeding and artificial oxytocin technology,this study realized the artificial reproduction of O.rara for the first time and carried out a preliminary study on the development of O.rara embryos and larvae,providing basic data and an important reference for the future implementation of large-scale breeding of this species.


湖南省水产科学研究所,湖南长沙 410153||湖南师范大学生命科学学院,省部共建淡水鱼类发育生物学国家重点实验室,湖南长沙 410081湖南省水产科学研究所,湖南长沙 410153怀化市洪江区畜牧水产事务中心,湖南怀化 418000怀化天鲮自然保护有限公司,湖南怀化 418000湖南师范大学生命科学学院,省部共建淡水鱼类发育生物学国家重点实验室,湖南长沙 410081



Onychostoma raraartificial reproductionembryonic development

《中国水产科学》 2024 (006)

662-673 / 12


