

Effects of temperature on molting and survival of larval and juvenile Tachypleus tridentatus


为了评价温度对中国鲎(Tachypleus tridentatus)幼体培育效果的影响,在实验室条件下利用自行设计的中国鲎幼体培育系统,比较了仔鲎和稚鲎在4种水温(25、28、31和34 ℃)条件下的蜕壳率、蜕壳时间和死亡率.结果表明,经过120 d的培育,仔稚鲎的总存活率在各温度组之间无显著差异(P>0.05),但较高培育温度能显著促进仔稚鲎蜕壳.实验结束时,34 ℃组多数幼体为4龄稚鲎,部分已进入5龄;31 ℃组多数为4龄稚鲎;28 ℃组多数为3龄稚鲎,部分进入4龄;25 ℃组多数为2龄稚鲎,仅少数个体进入3龄.在实验期间内,1龄仔鲎的死亡率为6.00%~19.33%,其中25 ℃温度组1龄仔鲎的死亡率显著高于31 ℃和34 ℃温度组(P<0.05),其余温度组之间无显著差异(P>0.05);2~4龄稚鲎的死亡率在不同温度组之间无显著差异(P>0.05)o 1龄仔鲎最早蜕壳时间在不同温度组之间差异显著(P<0.05),水温越高,开始出现蜕壳的时间越早.根据各龄幼体蜕壳的加权平均时间和最早蜕壳时间推测,在25~34 ℃条件下,2~4龄幼体各龄期发育所需时间介于27~43 d.1龄期的发育时间受温度的影响显著大于2龄以上幼体.综合分析,在适宜温度范围内,水温升高能有效促进中国鲎仔鲎和稚鲎蜕壳,31 ℃和34 ℃均能获得很好的培育效果.结果提示,在室内大规模培育大规格稚鲎是可行的,鲎卵孵出1龄仔鲎后,应及时采用较高温度进行培育,使其能尽快发育蜕壳进入2龄,避免低温导致仔鲎进入滞育状态.

The resources of Tachypleus tridentatus face the risk of depletion owing to habitat destruction and overfishing.Implementing artificial cultivation of large-sized juveniles and releasing them into suitable breeding grounds is an effective measure for restoring the population of T.tridentatus.This study used a self-designed cultivation system to rear horseshoe crab larvae and juveniles under controlled laboratory conditions.The impact of four distinct water temperatures(25,28,31,and 34 ℃)on molting rates,molting duration,and mortality rates of various instar stages was compared.After 120 days of cultivation,there were no significant differences in the total survival rates of larval and juvenile horseshoe crabs across different temperature groups(P>0.05).However,higher water temperatures significantly facilitated the molting of larval and juvenile horseshoe crabs.At the end of the experiment,most of the juveniles in the 34 ℃ group had transitioned to the 4th instar stage,with a few individuals having already progressed to the 5th instar stage.In contrast,most individuals in the 31 ℃ group were observed to be at the 4th instar stage.In the 28 ℃ group,a predominant number were observed at the 3rd instar stage,with a few individuals progressing to the 4th instar.Within the 25 ℃ group,most individuals were observed at the 2nd instar stage,with only a few progressing to the 3rd instar.During the experimental period,the mortality rate of the 1st instar larvae ranged from 6.00%to 19.33%.Among them,the mortality rate of the 1st instar larvae in the 25 ℃ temperature group was significantly higher than that in the 31 ℃ and 34 ℃ groups(P<0.05),while no significant difference was observed among the other temperature groups(P>0.05).The mortality rates of the 2nd to 4th instar juveniles were not significantly different among the various temperature groups(P>0.05).Significant differences were observed in the earliest molting times of the 1st instar stages among the various temperature groups(P<0.05),with a noticeable trend of an earlier onset of molting at higher water temperatures.The development time required for each instar stage during the 2nd and 4th stages was estimated to range between 27 and 43 days,based on the weighted average time and earliest molting time of each instar stage,under temperatures ranging from 25 ℃ to 34 ℃.The influence of temperature on the development time of the 1st instar larvae was greater than that of the 2nd and subsequent instar juveniles.The comprehensive analysis indicated that increasing the temperature within the appropriate range can effectively promote the molting of T.tridentatus,both 31 ℃ and 34 ℃ can achieve excellent cultivation effects.These results suggest that large-scale indoor cultivation of large juvenile horseshoe crabs is feasible.Additionally,it is advisable to rear the larvae at higher temperatures immediately after hatching to facilitate their development into the 2nd and subsequent instars as quickly as possible,thereby preventing them from entering a diapause state at low temperatures.


集美大学水产学院,海水养殖生物育种全国重点实验室,福建厦门 361021||农业农村部东海海水健康养殖重点实验室,福建厦门 361021广西科学院广西海洋生物种质资源利用技术创新中心,广西北海 536000福建省淡水水产研究所,福建福州 350002



Tachypleus tridentatuslarvajuveniletemperaturecultivation

《中国水产科学》 2024 (006)

674-683 / 10


