

Developmental characteristics of embryos and early larvae of Carassius carassius in the Irtysh River


为掌握分布于额尔齐斯河流域黑鲫(Carassius carassius)的胚胎及仔鱼发育规律,填补人工繁育空白,丰富其繁殖生物学数据,本研究在额尔齐斯河水域收集黑鲫亲本,通过人工催产受精的方式获得受精卵,对其早期发育特征进行观察.结果显示:黑鲫胚胎在(19.89±0.64)℃温度条件下,历经110 h 35 min孵化出膜,共需要积温2274.54 h·℃;黑鲫胚胎从受精卵开始,受精后50 min胚盘隆起,6 h 40 min发育至囊胚,17h20 min发育至原肠胚,26 h 20 min发育至神经,37 h 20 min出现肌节,70 h 35 min出现心跳,110 h 35 min孵化出膜,胚胎发育过程经历了受精卵、卵裂、囊胚、原肠胚、神经胚、器官形成和孵化共7个阶段(26个时期);孵出1 d的鱼苗全长(4.45±0.12)mm,卵黄囊饱满,静卧于水底,2 d后鱼苗全长(5.13±0.18)mm,色素沉淀增加,出现短暂游动,3 d后鱼苗全长(5.69±0.17)mm,对外界刺激敏感,卵黄囊吸收完毕,臀鳍和尾鳍清晰可见.本研究首次报道了额尔齐斯河黑鲫在人工催产条件下的早期发育的时序及特征,将为进一步实现苗种规模化繁育提供基础资料和重要参考.

This study was conducted to understand embryonic and larval development of Carassius carassius distributed in the Irtysh River Basin,fill the gap in artificial breeding,and enrich the reproductive biological data of this species.This study collected C.carassius parents from the Irtysh River,obtained fertilized eggs through artificial induction of fertilization,and observed their early developmental characteristics.The results showed that the embryos hatched out of the membrane at a temperature of(19.89±0.64)℃ for 110 h and 35 min,and a total accumulated temperature of 2274.54 h·℃.The C.carassius embryo started from the fertilized egg,placenta was bulged 50 min after fertilization and developed to a blastocyst in 6 h 40 min.The gastrul embryo developed in 17 h 20 min,nerve developed in 26 h 20 min,sarcomere appeared in 37 h 20 min,heartbeat occurred in 70 h 35 min,and membrane emerged in 110 h 35 min.The embryonic development process went through seven stages(26 periods)of fertilized egg,cleavage,blastocyst,gastrulation,neural embryo,organ formation,and hatching.Lying at the bottom,the total length of the fry hatched after 1 d was(4.45±0.12)mm,and the yolk sac was full;the full length of the fry after 2 d was(5.13±0.18)mm,the pigmentation had increased,and a short swim was observed;the total length of the fry after 3 d was(5.69±0.17)mm,they were sensitive to external stimuli,the yolk sac was absorbed,and anal and caudal fins were clearly visible.This study is the first to report the timing and characteristics of the early development of the Irtysh River C.carassius under artificial induction conditions,thereby providing basic data and an important reference for further large-scale breeding of seedlings.


中国水产科学研究院黑龙江水产研究所,农业农村部黑龙江流域渔业资源环境科学观测实验站,黑龙江哈尔滨 150076||上海海洋大学水产与生命学院,上海 201306中国水产科学研究院黑龙江水产研究所,农业农村部黑龙江流域渔业资源环境科学观测实验站,黑龙江哈尔滨 150076



Irtysh RiverCarassius carassiusembryonic developmentlarvae developmentgermplasm resource

《中国水产科学》 2024 (006)

684-692 / 9


