

Vibrio species,load and antibacterial effect of bactericidal drugs in clamworm


为查清饵料沙蚕中弧菌病原携带情况,建立有效病原消除技术,本研究调查了我国沿海10个区域养殖及野生沙蚕中弧菌病原种类及载量,用柠檬酸、聚维酮碘、山梨酸钾、脱氢乙酸钠、苹果酸、甲酸、二甲酸钾、丙酸及弧菌净(含柠檬酸与酸性硫酸钙商用产品)为杀菌药物,测试了其对溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)的体外杀菌效果;以最低体外杀菌浓度的柠檬酸、聚维酮碘及弧菌净杀菌药物浸泡沙蚕,测试了其对蚕体内弧菌的消除效果,并研究了其对沙蚕的安全浓度,同时分析了 3种药物浸泡沙蚕3 h后,沙蚕体内蛋白、脂肪、胆固醇及维生素E含量变化.结果表明,样品沙蚕中携带溶藻弧菌、哈维氏弧菌(V.harveyi)、欧文氏弧菌(V.owensii)、副溶血弧菌(V.parahaemolyticus)及嗜芳香环弧菌(V.cyclitrophicus),检出率分别为 86.7%、20.0%、13.3%、13.3%及 6.7%.样品中弧菌载量最高达到7.0×104 cfu/g,最低载量为2.0×103 cfu/g.9种药物体外最低杀菌浓度由低到高依次为聚维酮碘(10.0×10-3 g/L)、甲酸(0.5 g/L)、弧菌净(1.0 g/L)、柠檬酸/苹果酸/丙酸(1.2 g/L)、二甲酸钾(1.6 g/L)、脱氢乙酸钠(12.0 g/L),山梨酸钾(30.0 g/L).用柠檬酸、聚维酮碘及弧菌净最低有效浓度溶液浸泡沙蚕0.5 h与3 h,体内弧菌杀菌率分别为96.2%、66.4%、99.9%与97.7%、98.0%、100.0%.3种药物对沙蚕的安全浓度分别为48.9×10-3 g/L、120.3×10-3 g/L、963.0×10-3 g/L.经过3种消毒剂处理后,沙蚕体内的蛋白、脂肪、胆固醇及维生素E的含量与对照组比均有显著的降低(P<0.05).结果提示,沙蚕作为生物饵料存在较大的生物安全风险,有机酸类药物浸泡处理能够降低病原菌载量,研究结果可为对虾疾病综合防控提供技术支撑.

Clamworm is a biological bait with high nutritional value,widely used in promoting gonadal maturation of shrimp brood stock.However,as most clamworm occur in wild environments,they are prone to carrying pathogenic bacteria and viruses,posing a potential disease risk for farmed shrimp.To eliminate the pathogens carried by clamworm,antibiotics are often used by immersion.Due to the disadvantages of using antibiotics,novel safe and effective alternative products must be developed urgently.Sorbic acid,malic acid,citric acid,and other organic acids and their salts are commonly used as preservatives and fungicides in food and have potential development value for biological sterilization of aquatic bait.To research the profile of Vibrio pathogens carried by bait clamworm and establish effective pathogen elimination technology,the pathogen species and Vibrio load in 10 coastal areas of China were investigated.Sodium citric acid,povidone iodine,potassium sorbate,sodium dehydroacetate,malic acid,potassium dimethyl acid,propionic acid,and a Vibrio-killing product(VKP)—a commercial product containing citric acid and acid calcium sulfate——were employed to test the bactericidal effect in vitro in this study.The lowest and safest bactericidal concentrations of citric acid,povidone iodine,and VKP were tested in vitro for the elimination effect of Vibrios in clamworm.Additionally,protein,fat,cholesterol,and vitamin E content changes in clamworm after soaking in citric acid,povidone iodine,and VKP for 3 h were analyzed.The results displayed that the sample clamworm carried Vibrio alginolyticus,V harveyi,V owensii,V.parahaemolyticus,and V parahaemolyticus with detection rates of 86.7%,20.0%,13.3%,13.3%,and 6.7%,respectively.The highest and lowest pathogenic Vibrio loads in the sample were 7.0×104 and 2.0×103 cfu/g,respectively.The minimum bactericidal concentrations of the nine drugs in vitro from low to high were povidone-iodine(10.0×10-3 g/L),formic acid(0.5 g/L),VKP(1.0 g/L),citric acid/malic acid/propionic acid(1.2 g/L),potassium dicarboxylate(1.6 g/L),sodium dehydroacetate(12.0 g/L),and potassium sorbate(30.0 g/L).The inactivation rates of Vibrio in vivo were 96.2%,66.4%,99.9%and 97.7%,98.0%100.0%,respectively,when the clamworm were soaked in the citric acid,povidone-iodine and VKP solutions at the minimum effective bactericidal concentration for 0.5 and 3 h.Safe concentrations of the three drugs were 48.9,120.3 and 963.0 mg/L,respectively,meanwhile the contents of protein,fat,cholesterol,and vitamin E in the clamworm were significantly reduced compared with those in the control group(P<0.05)after the 3 h treatment.The results suggest that the clamworm has a great biosafety risk as biological bait,and the soaking treatment in organic acids can reduce the pathogenic bacterial load.The results of this study provide a basis for the comprehensive prevention and control of shrimp diseases.


上海海洋大学,水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心,上海 201306||中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,海水养殖生物育种与可持续产出全国重点实验室,山东青岛 266071中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,海水养殖生物育种与可持续产出全国重点实验室,山东青岛 266071||中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,农业农村部海水养殖病害防治重点实验室,青岛市海水养殖流行病学与生物安保重点实验室,山东青岛 266071中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,海水养殖生物育种与可持续产出全国重点实验室,山东青岛 266071



clamwormVibrioorganic acidspovidone-iodinebactericidal concentrationsafe concentrationnutrients

《中国水产科学》 2024 (006)

731-743 / 13


