

Study on the distribution characteristics of radiation dose of body surface of operators in cardiovascular interventional treatment


目的:分析并验证心血管介入手术医师体表辐射剂量分布特征,为研究辐射剂量特性及正确实施辐射防护提供理论依据.方法:选用2022年5月广州市第十二人民医院在用的数字减影血管造影(DSA)设备,机房为心血管介入手术医师配备3套铅防护服(分别设为铅防护服A、B、C),每套均包括铅围脖、铅背心和铅围裙各1件,铅当量均为0.5 mmPb.将手术医师穿戴的铅防护服外表面布点处放置热释光剂量计,对比3套铅防护服正面背面、垂直和水平面的辐射剂量值.结果:3套铅防护服正面剂量计测量平均值分别为(296.2±31.9)mSv、(196.3±20.2)mSv和(299.4±33.0)mSv,均明显高于铅防护服背面,其差异均有统计学意义(Z=-5.522、-5.115、-4.817,P<0.05).3套铅防护服垂直面腹部辐射剂量值最高,分别为(356.7±58.2)mSv、(217.7±31.8)mSv和(387.4±46.3)mSv.铅防护服A、B水平面左侧剂量计测量值分别为(341.6±58.5)mSv、(229.1±32.4)mSv,均高于右侧,差异有统计学意义(Z=5.890、9.068,P<0.05);铅防护服C左侧高于中间和右侧,差异有统计学意义(Z=5.846、9.766,P<0.05).结论:DSA介入手术医师体表前面辐射剂量明显高于后面,身体垂直面腹部辐照剂量最高,水平面左到右有递减趋势.检测出的辐射剂量数据和分布特征可为辐射防护提供研究依据.

Objective:To analyze and verify the distribution characteristics of radiation dose on the body surface of surgeons in cardiovascular interventional treatment,so as to provide theoretical basis for studying the characteristics of radiation dose and implementing radiation protection correctly.Methods:During cardiovascular interventional surgery,three pieces of lead protective clothing(designated as lead protective clothing A,B,and C)were provided in the room of digital subtraction angiography(DSA)equipment.Each piece of these protective clothing included one lead scarf,one lead vest and one lead apron,and the lead equivalents of them were all 0.5 mmPb.A thermoluminescence dosimeter was placed on the outer surface of the lead protective clothing that was worn by surgeon,and the radiation dose values of the front and back,vertical and horizontal surfaces of the three pieces of lead protective clothing were compared.Results:The measured average values of the front dosimeter of the three pieces of lead protective clothing were respectively(296.2±31.9)mSv,(196.3±20.2)mSv and(299.4±33.0)mSv,which were significantly higher than those of the back of the lead protective clothing,and the differences were statistically significant(Z=-5.522,-5.115,-4.817,Z=-5.522,-5.115,-4.817,P<0.05).The values of abdominal radiation doses on the vertical plane of the three pieces of lead protective clothing were the highest,which were respectively(356.7±58.2)mSv,(217.7±31.8)mSv and(387.4±46.3)mSv.The measured values of the dosimeter on the left side of the horizontal plane of the A,B of lead protective clothing were respectively(341.6±58.5)mSv and(229.1±32.4)mSv,which were all higher than that on the right side,with statistical significances(Z=5.890,9.068,P<0.05).The measured value of the left side of lead protective clothing was respectively higher than that of the middle side and the right side,and the differences were statistically significant(Z=5.846,9.766,P<0.05).Conclusion:The radiation dose of the front of the body surface of surgeon who undergo DSA intervention is significantly higher than that in the back of that,and the radiation dose of the abdomen on the vertical plane of the body is the highest,and the radiation dose of horizontal plane appears a decreasing trend from left to right.The detected dose data and distribution characteristics of radiation can provide research basis for radiation protection.


广州市第十二人民医院职业环境与健康重点实验室 广州 510620||广州医科大学公共卫生学院 广州 510000广州市第十二人民医院职业环境与健康重点实验室 广州 510620



Operator of interventional operationRadiation dose of body surfaceCharacteristics of dose distributionRadiation protection

《中国医学装备》 2024 (008)

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广州市科学技术局重点研发计划(202206010061);广州医科大学科研能力提升计划项目(广医发[2023]16号);广州市市校(院)企联合资助专题(2023A03J0502) Key Research and Development Programme of Guangzhou Science and Technology Project(202206010061);Research Capability Enhancement Program of Guangzhou Medical University(Guangyifa[2023]No.16);The Science and Technology Program of Guangzhou(2023A03J0502)

