

Bibliometric analysis of radiomics research


目的:分析2019-2023年近5年影像组学研究的发展现状、前沿及热点,为我国影像组学研究提供理论参考和指引方向.方法:检索2003年1月1日至2023年8月10日美国科学期刊网络索引(WOS)核心数据库中发表在影像组学领域的相关文献,按照纳入与排除标准筛选2003-2023年获取符合条件的文献6 777篇,其中2019年1月1日至2023年8月10日近5年文献6 254篇,采用文献计量学方法进行国家与地区、机构、期刊、作者和关键词进行聚类分析及可视化图谱绘制.结果:6 777篇影像组学相关文献最早发表于2011年,2018年发文量趋于稳定,而后数量呈明显的逐年攀升趋势.2019年1月1日至2023年8月10日的6 254篇文献中,发表于中国(3 564篇)、美国(1 164篇)和意大利(530篇)的发文量位居前3名,且各国合作关系紧密,美国通用电气公司发文量最多(448篇),Frontiers in Oncology(肿瘤学前沿,704篇)期刊在载文量层面排名第1.2019-2023年影像组学领域着重关注的疾病为直肠癌、肝细胞癌、乳腺癌和肺癌(尤其是非小细胞肺癌).结论:我国虽在国家发文量上位居第一,但研究质量仍有待提升.基于多种影像检查的影像组学联合多种技术对各类疾病进行诊断与鉴别诊断、疗效预测与评估、肿瘤疾病转移情况评价与基因表型的识别是未来影像组学领域的研究趋势.

Objective:To analyze the development status,frontiers and hotspots of radiomics research in the past five years from 2019 to 2023,and to provide theoretical reference and guidance for radiomics research in China.Methods:The relevant literature in the field of radiomics published in the core database of Web of Science(WOS)from January 1,2003 to August 10,2023 were searched.According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria,6,777 eligible literatures were screened and obtained,including 6,254 articles in the past five years from January 1,2019 to August 10,2023.Bibliometric methods were used to analyze the clustering of countries and regions,institutions,journals,authors,keywords and draw visual maps.Results:The 6,777 radiomics-related articles published between 2003 and 2023 were first published in 2011,and the number of papers tended to stabilize in 2018,and then the number showed a significant trend of increasing year by year.Among the 6,254 articles published from 2019 to 2023,China(3,564 articles),United States(1,164 articles),and Italy(530 articles)ranked the top 3 in terms of publication volume,with close cooperation between countries.General Electric of the United States published the most papers(448 articles),and the journal Frontiers in Oncology(704 papers)ranked first in terms of paper publication volume.From 2019 to 2023,the diseases of concern in the field of radiomics are rectal cancer,hepatocellular carcinoma,breast cancer,and lung cancer(especially non-small cell lung cancer).Conclusion:Although China ranks first in the number of national publications,the quality of research still needs to be improved.In the future,the research trend in the field of radiomics may be the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of various diseases,the prediction and evaluation of curative effect,the evaluation of tumor disease metastasis and the identification of gene phenotype based on radiomics combined with multiple imaging techniques.


福建中医药大学福总教学医院(第九〇〇医院)放射诊断科 福州 350025福建中医药大学附属人民医院肛肠科 福州 350004福建中医药大学福总教学医院(第九〇〇医院)放射诊断科 福州 350025||中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九〇〇医院放射诊断科 福州 350025


RadiomicsBibliometricsVisual analysisCluster analysis

《中国医学装备》 2024 (008)

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福建省科技计划(2021I0037) Science and Technology Project of Fujian Province(2021I0037)

