

The Rice "hybrid" Population Reveals the Mysteries of Genetic Interaction


基因互作与表型的内在关系是生命科学研究的关键问题,大部分表型受多基因协同控制,除加性效应外还存在显性和上位性等复杂遗传效应.最近一项研究构建了包含18 421个永久株系的水稻"混血杂交"群体,成功鉴定到控制16个农艺性状的96个高置信候选基因,通过分析基因间上位性效应,构建了包含19个枢纽基因的遗传互作网络,揭示出基因间潜在的互作效应,发现170个"掩蔽"型上位互作对.该工作建立了作物遗传学研究的新范式,且为水稻(Oryza sativa)遗传研究提供了重要数据和材料资源,极大地加速了重要性状相关基因的挖掘,推动了数量性状基因遗传互作的功能解析,为分子设计育种奠定了理论基础.

Revealing the intrinsic relationship between gene interactions and phenotypes is a key issue in life science research.Most phenotypes are controlled by multiple genes in a coordinated manner,exhibiting complex genetic effects such as dominance and epistasis in addition to additive effects.In a recent study,a"hybrid"population of rice containing 18 421 recombinant inbred lines was constructed,successfully identifying 96 high-confidence candidate genes controlling 16 agronomic traits.The study analyzed the epistatic effects among genes,constructed a genetic interaction network consisting of 19 hub genes,revealed potential interactions among genes,and discovered 170"masking"epistatic interac-tions.This research provides important data and material resources for genetic studies in rice,establishes a new para-digm for crop genetics research,greatly accelerates the discovery of genes related to important traits,advances the functional analysis of quantitative trait gene interactions,and provides genetic resources and theoretical support for mole-cular breeding.


四川农业大学水稻研究所,成都 611130||西南作物基因资源发掘与利用国家重点实验室,成都 611130


"hybrid" populationquantitative traitsgenetic pleiotropyepistasis

《植物学报》 2024 (004)

529-532 / 4


