Research Progress on the Occurrence and Comprehensive Control Techniques of Peanut Root Rot
花生根腐病是危害花生的真菌性土传病害,是一种世界性病害.我国各地均有发生,造成严重的经济损失,严重制约了我国花生产业的发展.介绍了花生根腐病菌的分类地位及其在马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基上的培养性状,归纳了病原菌2 种类型分生孢子的形态特征,详细介绍了花生根腐病的田间识别症状及其发病规律.从种子筛选、合理轮作和田间栽培管理等方面简述了有效防控花生根腐病的农业防治措施,从种子包衣、土壤处理和喷施杀菌剂等方面归纳了目前应用于花生根腐病的主要化学防治措施.认为对花生根腐病的防治,应在以减少菌源、切断传播途径等为目的的农业防治措施基础上,进行种子包衣、适时喷施杀菌剂等措施的化学防治.
Peanut root rot is a soil-borne fungal disease of peanut,which is a worldwide disease on peanut.It occurs all over our country,cau-sing serious economic losses and restricting the development of peanut industry.This paper introduced the taxonomic status of peanut root rot pathogen and its cultural characteristics on potato glucose agar medium.The morphological characteristics of two types of conidia from the pathogen were summarized.In this paper,the symptoms of peanut root rot in the field and its pathogenesis were introduced in detail.The agri-cultural control measures of peanut root rot were summarized from seed screening,rational rotation and field management.The main fungicides used to control peanut root rot were summarized from the aspects of seed coating,soil treatment and fungicide spraying.It is suggested that the control of peanut root rot should be based on the agricultural control measures aimed at reducing the source of pathogen and cutting off the route of transmission,followed by carrying out chemical control measures,i.e.seed coating and fungicide spraying.
江西省农业技术推广中心,江西南昌 330046上饶市广丰区农业农村局产业发展服务中心,江西上饶 334600江西省农业科学院植物保护研究所,江西南昌 330200
Peanut root rotDisease symptomDisease regulationComprehensive control
《安徽农业科学》 2024 (016)
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