The Impact of Organic Fertilizer Replacement of Chemical Fertilizers on Yield and Quality of Tea Gardens in China
为探明有机肥替代化肥对我国茶叶产量、品质以及茶园土壤理化性质影响,通过收集国内外已发表我国茶园有机肥替代化肥的相关文献,采用Meta分析的方法,定量分析在不同有机替代比例、土壤理化性质与替代年限条件下茶叶产量、品质与茶园土壤理化性质的状况.结果表明,与单施化肥相比,有机肥部分替代化肥能显著提高茶叶产量、品质与茶园土壤养分含量.其中有机替代比例、土壤条件,以及替代年限是影响有机替代效果的重要因素.有机替代比例低于25%时,增产效果 好;有机替代25%~75%时,茶叶品质提升效果 佳;有机替代超过75%时,则会因土壤当季养分供应不足从而导致茶叶产量降低.有机替代在土壤有机质<20 g·kg-1、碱解氮<100 mg·kg-1、有效磷<5 mg·kg-1与pH>4.5时对茶叶产量增加效果较好;在土壤有机质>20 g·kg-1、碱解氮>100 mg·kg-1、有效磷>20 mg·kg-1、速效钾>100 mg·kg-1与pH<5.5时,茶叶品质提升效果较好.有机肥肥效存在累计效应,有机替代年限越长对茶叶产量品质提升的效果越好.
In order to explore the effects of organic fertilizer replacement of chemical fertilizers on tea yield,quality,and soil physicochemical properties in China,relevant literature on organic fertilizer replacement of chemical fertilizers in tea gardens was collected both domestically and internationally. Meta analysis was used to quantitatively analyze the effects of organic fertilizer replacement of chemical fertilizers on tea yield,quality,and soil physicochemical properties in China under different organic substitution ratios,soil physicochemical properties and substitution years. The results show that compared with the application of chemical fertilizers alone,partial substitution of organic fertilizer can significantly improve tea yield,quality,and soil nutrient content in tea gardens.The organic substitution ratios,soil conditions,and substitution period are important factors that affect the effectiveness of organic substitution. When the organic substitution ratio was less than 25%,the yield increase effect was the best. When the organic substitution ratio was between 25% and 75%,the best effect was achieved in improving the quality of tea. When the organic substitution exceeded 75%,it would lead to a decrease in tea yield due to insufficient nutrient supply in the soil during the season. Organic substitution had a better effect on increasing tea yield when soil organic matter<20 g·kg-1,alkaline nitrogen<100 mg·kg-1,available phosphorus<5 mg·kg-1,and pH>4.5. When soil organic matter>20 g·kg-1,alkaline nitrogen>100 mg·kg-1,available phosphorus>20 mg·kg-1,available potassium>100 mg·kg-1,and pH<5.5,the tea quality improvement effect was better. There was a cumulative effect of organic fertilizer efficiency,and the longer the organic substitution period,the better the effect on improving tea yield and quality.
华中农业大学新型肥料湖北省工程实验室/微量元素研究中心,湖北 武汉 430070华中农业大学新型肥料湖北省工程实验室/微量元素研究中心,湖北 武汉 430070华中农业大学新型肥料湖北省工程实验室/微量元素研究中心,湖北 武汉 430070华中农业大学新型肥料湖北省工程实验室/微量元素研究中心,湖北 武汉 430070滇西科技师范学院生物技术与工程学院,云南 临沧 675800滇西科技师范学院生物技术与工程学院,云南 临沧 675800滇西科技师范学院生物技术与工程学院,云南 临沧 675800全国农业技术推广服务中心,北京 100125全国农业技术推广服务中心,北京 100125
teaorganic substitutionyieldqualityintegrated analysis
《茶叶科学》 2024 (4)