

Discussion on SUN Hongxin's medication rule of traditional Chinese medicine in treating lung cancer based on data mining


目的:收集孙宏新主任医师门诊使用中药治疗肺癌相关病例,采用数据挖掘技术,探讨其临床使用中医药治疗肺癌的用药规律,为临床治疗肺癌提供借鉴.方法:收集、整理孙宏新主任医师使用中医药治疗肺癌的门诊病例,建立肺癌病案数据库,对处方数据中所使用的中药进行频数统计、药物关联分析、聚类分析、因子分析.结果:此次纳入病案 369 例、总计 1009 诊次,涉及 374 味中药(累计频次 19080 次),分析得到仙鹤草、甘草、紫苏梗、半夏、蜀羊泉、合欢皮等 20 个高频中药,聚类识别为经典方"六君子汤、逍遥散"和孙宏新主任医师自拟经验方"二金合欢皮汤";中药性味归经分析:四气以温、平、寒为主,五味以甘、苦、辛为主,归经以肺、脾、肝经为主;对高频中药进行相关性分析:药物-药物关联分析得到 4 个核心药组;聚类分析得到 4 类药物组方;因子分析提出 3 个公因子.结论:孙宏新主任医师治疗肺癌以补虚扶正、抗癌解毒为主;从肺、脾、肝入手,辅以理气止咳化痰、并健脾补肺疏肝,意在培土生金、兼疏肝郁,寓攻于补,攻补兼施.可见孙宏新主任医师治疗肺癌秉持维持机体内"平衡",在抗癌的同时,重视缓解患者痛苦,保存患者体力,延长生存期的学术特点.

Objective:Collect the case records of Dr.SUN Hongxin a chief physician,who uses Chinese herbal medicine to treat lung cancer,and apply data mining techniques to explore the drug usage patterns in her clinical use of Chinese medicine for lung cancer treatment.This can provide reference for clinical treatment of lung cancer.Methods:Chief physician SUN Hongxin's outpatient cases of lung cancer treated by TCM were collected and sorted out.The database of liver cancer cases was established,and the data were analyzed by frequency statistics,drug association analysis,cluster analysis and factor analysis.Results:369 cases of medical records were included in this study,totaling 1009 visits,involving 374 flavors of TCM(cumulative frequency of 19080 times),20 high-frequency Chinese medicines were screened out by frequency statistical analysis,such as Xianhecao,Gancao,Perilla stem,Banxia,Shuyangquan and Huanpi,were identified as the classic prescription"Liujunzi decoction,Xiaoyao decoction"and"Erjinhehuanpi decoc-tion"designed by chief physician SUN Hongxin.Statistical analysis of TCM properties and meridians:The medicinal four qi were mainly warm,flat or cold,five wei were mainly sweet,bitter or pungent,the herb meridians were mainly lung meridian,spleen meridian or liver meridian.Correlation analysis of high-frequency Chinese medicine:4 core med-icine groups are obtained by association rule analysis.4 drug combinations are obtained by cluster analysis.Factor a-nalysis presents 3 common factors.Conclusion:Chief physician SUN Hongxin's traditional Chinese medicine treat-ment of lung cancer is focus on given priority to with tonifying deficiency,strengthening vital qi and anti-cancer.Starting from lung,spleen and liver,assisted clearing heat and phlegm,regulating qi and relieving cough.And aiming at cultivating soil and producing gold,and sparse liver depression.Combining attack with tonifying and replenishing.It can be seen that chief physician SUN Hongxin adheres to the idea of achieving"balance"in the body in the treat-ment of lung cancer,relieving patients pain,preserving patients physical strength and prolonging their survival while fighting cancer.


河南中医药大学,河南 郑州 450000河南中医药大学第一附属医院,河南 郑州 450000



Lung cancerTraditional Chinese medicine treatmentSUN HongxinRegularity of medicationEmpirical prescriptionData mining

《陕西中医》 2024 (009)

1278-1282 / 5


