

Effect of Industry-Scale Microfluidization on the Quality of All-Component Shiitake Mushroom Slurry


采用高压射流磨制备全组分香菇浆,研究不同处理压力(0~120 MPa)对香菇浆理化性质(粒径、微观结构、Zeta电位、黏度、表观稳定性、不稳定性指数、可溶性固形物和浊度)、活性成分(粗多糖溶出量和多酚含量)和感官品质的影响.结果表明:随着高压射流磨处理压力从0MPa增加至120 MPa,香菇浆粒径D90从204.67μm降低至45.33 μm,Zeta电位绝对值增加,不稳定性指数和黏度下降,体系表观稳定性增强,可溶性固形物含量和浊度增加.经过高压射流磨处理后,香菇粗多糖溶出量和总酚含量显著提高,经120 MPa处理后粗多糖溶出量达最高值,为未处理样品的2倍;经90 MPa处理后多酚质量浓度最高,为0.51 mg/mL.高压射流磨处理的香菇浆鲜味、芳香成分和硫的有机成分随着高压射流磨处理压力增加而不断提高.说明高压射流磨技术用于制备全组分香菇浆,能有效提升浆体物理稳定性、活性成分溶出量和感官品质,实现原料的全组分利用.本研究可为高压射流磨技术在高品质香菇液体调味品领域的推广和应用提供理论参考.

Whole shiitake mushroom slurry was prepared using an industry-scale microfluidizer(ISM).The effect of different ISM pressures(0-120 MPa)on the physicochemical properties(particle size,microstructure,zeta potential,viscosity,apparent stability,instability index,soluble solids content,and turbidity),active components(dissolved amount of crude polysaccharides and polyphenol content)and sensory quality of the slurry was investigated.The results showed that as the pressure increased from 0 to 120 MPa,the particle size(D90)of the slurry decreased from 204.67 to 45.33 μm.Meanwhile,the absolute value of the zeta potential increased,the instability index and viscosity decreased,the apparent stability of the system increased,and the content of soluble solids and turbidity increased.The dissolved amount of crude polysaccharides and total phenol content of the slurry significantly increased after being treated by ISM.After treatment at 120 MPa,the highest dissolution of crude polysaccharides was obtained,which was twice as much as that of the untreated samples.The highest concentration of polyphenols of 0.51 mg/mL was observed at 90 MPa.The umami intensity,aromatic components and sulfur-containing organic components in shiitake mushroom slurry continuously increased with increasing ISM pressure,indicating that ISM enables the preparation of all-component shiitake mushroom slurry with improved physical stability,dissolved amount of active ingredients and sensory quality,thus achieving all-component utilization of raw materials.This study provides a theoretical reference for the promotion and application of ISM in the field of shiitake mushroom liquid seasonings.


南昌大学食品科学与资源挖掘全国重点实验室,江西南昌 330047南昌大学食品科学与资源挖掘全国重点实验室,江西南昌 330047江西省认证总院食品检验检测研究院,江西南昌 330001南昌大学食品科学与资源挖掘全国重点实验室,江西南昌 330047||南昌大学重庆研究院,重庆 402660南昌大学食品科学与资源挖掘全国重点实验室,江西南昌 330047南昌大学食品科学与资源挖掘全国重点实验室,江西南昌 330047南昌大学食品科学与资源挖掘全国重点实验室,江西南昌 330047



industry-scale microfluidizershiitake mushroom slurryphysicochemical propertiesfunctional active substancesflavor

《食品科学》 2024 (17)



