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山羊Aichivirus C的分离鉴定及演化分析OA北大核心CSTPCD

Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Aichivirus C from Goats


C型爱知病毒(Aichivirus C)是新近证实的致山羊腹泻病毒,本研究旨在分离山羊Aichivirus C并分析其基因组特征.在四川某暴发腹泻的山羊场采集腹泻粪便9份,1只病死羔羊的组织样本13份,进行常见的腹泻病原检测.采用Vero细胞系对山羊Aichivirus C阳性样本进行病毒分离,以PCR、间接免疫荧光试验和电镜技术对分离毒株进行鉴定,并扩增获得其基因组序列.结果显示:通过RT-PCR方法从9份山羊腹泻粪便样本中检出Aichivirus C阳性8份,羔羊的组织样本中检出Aichivirus C阳性8份,其它常见的致山羊腹泻病原在上述粪便和组织样本中均未检出.使用Vero细胞系成功从阳性样品中分离到2株山羊Aichivirus C,其病毒滴度分别为106.5 TCID50·mL-1和105.9 TCID50·mL-1.获得两条近乎全长基因组序列,与GenBank中山羊源Aichivirus C毒株的核苷酸相似性为78.8%~97.4%,与国内SWUN/F11/2019毒株的核苷酸相似性为97.0%~97.4%.此外,本研究还从5份临床阳性样本中扩增出VP0、VP3和VP1基因完整序列.基于基因组的演化分析显示:获得的两个病毒株与SWUN/F11/2019毒株在系统发育树上聚为一支.并且,这些毒株的VP0和VP1基因编码蛋白也有独特的氨基酸突变.综上所述,本研究分离得到2株山羊Aichivirus C,获得了其近乎全长基因组序列,与国内SWUN/F11/2019毒株亲缘关系最近,其VP0和VP1基因具有独特的分子特征.本结果丰富了国内山羊源Aichivirus C的分子遗传信息,为进一步研究山羊Aichivirus C的致病性和分子生物学特征提供了参考.

Aichivirus C is a newly confirmed virus associated with caprine diarrhoea.The purpose of this study was to isolate goat Aichivirus C and analyze the genomic characteristics.Nine fecal samples and 13 tissue samples from a dead kid were collected from a goat farm with an outbreak of diarrhoea in Sichuan province,and used for testing the common pathogens associated with di-arrhoea.Virus was isolated from Aichivirus C positive samples using Vero cells and identified by PCR,indirect immunofluorescence and electron microscopy.The complete genomes of the iso-lates were amplified and analyzed.Results were as follows:8 fecal samples with diarrhoea and 8 tissue samples from a lamb were detected as positive for Aichivirus C by RT-PCR,and no other common diarrhoea-causing pathogens were detected in the above samples.Two Aichivirus C strains were successfully isolated from positive samples using Vero cells,and the virus titers were 106.5TCID50·mL-1 and 105.9TCID50·mL-1,respectively.The nearly full-length genomic se-quences of both strains were obtained,which shared 78.8%-97.4%nucleotide identity with the known goat Aichivirus C genomes from GenBank and 97.0%-97.4%nucleotide identity with the SWUN/F11/2019 isolate from China.Furthermore,the VP0,VP3 and VP1 genes were success-fully amplified from 5 clinical positive samples.Phylogenetic analysis based on the genome re-vealed that the two isolates were clustered with the SWUN/F11/2019 strain.Unique amino acid mutations were also revealed in the VP0 and VP1 genes.In summary,two strains of goat Aichi-virus C were successfully isolated and the nearly full-length genomic sequences were obtained.Phylogentic analysis demonstrated that these two strains are closely related to the SWUN/F11/2019 strain from China,with a unique molecular characteristics in the VP0 and VP1 genes.The results enrich the molecular genetic information of Aichivirus C from goats in China and laid the foundation for further studies on the pathogenicity and molecular biological characteristics of goat Aichivirus C.


西南民族大学畜牧兽医学院,成都 610041西南民族大学畜牧兽医学院,成都 610041西南民族大学畜牧兽医学院,成都 610041西南民族大学畜牧兽医学院,成都 610041西南民族大学畜牧兽医学院,成都 610041西南民族大学畜牧兽医学院,成都 610041西南民族大学畜牧兽医学院,成都 610041



goatdiarrheaAichivirus Cisolationmolecular characterisation

《畜牧兽医学报》 2024 (8)



