High-performance and Freestanding Cellulose Nanofiber@Metal-organic Frameworks (UIO-66)@PANI Composite Membranes for Flexible All-solid-state Supercapacitors
以纳米纤维素(CNFs)为柔性基体,在其表面通过溶剂热反应原位生长UIO-66纳米层,随后通过原位聚合将聚苯胺(PANI)沉积在CNFs@UIO-66表面,真空抽滤得到柔性纳米膜,并组装成柔性固态超级电容器.考察了CNFs/UIO-66比例以及苯胺(ANI)浓度对CNFs@UIO-66@PANI复合膜电化学性能的影响.结果表明,CNFs/UIO-66的比例对复合膜的电化学性能有关键影响,当CNF/UIO-66比例为1∶1电流密度在1 A·g-1时,复合膜比容量高达1287 F·g-1,随着CNF/UIO-66中UIO-66比例的增加,复合膜的比电容下降;当CNF/UIO-66比例为1︰3时,复合膜的比电容降至554 F·g-1.将复合膜组装成柔性对称固态超级电容器,当功率密度为200 W·kg-1时,能量密度为47.39 Wh·kg-1,在10 A·g-1的电流密度下循环5000次后,循环稳定性高达100%,表现出极佳的稳定性,亦证实了CNFs@UIO-66@PANI复合膜在柔性储能领域的巨大应用潜力.
UIO-66 nanolayers were grown in situ on the surface of flexible CNFs by solvothermal reaction,then polyaniline (PANI) was deposited on the surface of CNFs@UIO-66 by in-situ polymerization.The flexible films were obtained by filtration and assembled into flexible solid-state supercapacitors.The effects of CNFs/UIO-66 ratio and ANI concentration on the electrochemical properties of CNFs@UIO-66@PANI composite membrane were investigated.The results show that the ratio of CNFs to UIO-66 has a critical effect on the electrochemical performances of the composite membrane.The specific capacitance of the composite membrane decreases from 1287 F·g-1 to 554 F·g-1 when the CNF/UIO-66 ratio decreases from 1∶1 to 1︰3 at a current density of 1 A·g-1.Furthermore,at 200 W·kg-1 power density and 47.39 Wh·kg-1 energy density,the assembled supercapacitor shows extremely high cycle stability with capacitance retentions of 100% after 5000 continuous charge-discharge cycles.This study provides a pathway to develop CNFs@UIO-66@PANI based flexible energy storage devices.
常州大学石油化工学院,江苏常州 213164常州大学石油化工学院,江苏常州 213164||常州工程职业技术学院 化工与制药工程学院,江苏常州 213164常州大学石油化工学院,江苏常州 213164常州大学石油化工学院,江苏常州 213164常州大学石油化工学院,江苏常州 213164常州大学石油化工学院,江苏常州 213164常州大学石油化工学院,江苏常州 213164
Cellulose nanofibersUIO-66PolyanilineSolid state supercapacitors
《材料科学与工程学报》 2024 (4)