

Effect of Different Thawing Methods on the Quality of Chicken Patty


以鸡肉饼为研究对象,探讨不同解冻方式对调理鸡肉饼品质的影响.将新鲜鸡肉饼置于-40℃的冰箱速冻贮藏12 h,然后采用室温解冻、低温解冻、水浸解冻和微波解冻4 种方式进行解冻,通过对鸡肉饼的色泽、硫代巴比妥酸反应物(thiobarbituric acid reactive substances,TBARS)值、蒸煮损失率、解冻损失率和总巯基含量等指标进行测定,分析不同解冻方式鸡肉饼的品质变化规律.结果表明:各处理组鸡肉饼pH值均无显著差异(P>0.05);微波解冻组鸡肉饼红度值显著低于室温解冻组、水浸解冻组、低温解冻组(P<0.05);低温解冻组的鸡肉饼解冻损失率、蒸煮损失率、TBARS值显著低于室温解冻和微波解冻组(P>0.05);低温解冻组的鸡肉饼巯基含量均高于各解冻处理组.综上,低温解冻是4 种解冻方式中的最佳解冻方式,可以有效保持鸡肉饼的品质.

The effects of different thawing methods on the quality of prepared chicken patties were studied.Fresh chicken patties were frozen at-40℃for 12 h,and then thawed by four methods:room temperature,low temperature,water immersion and microwave.The quality changes of chicken patties under different thawing methods were evaluated in terms of color,thiobarbituric acid reactive substances(TBARS)value,cooking loss rate,thawing loss rate and total sulfhydryl group content.The results showed that there was no significant difference in the pH of chicken patties among all treatment groups(P>0.05).The a* value of chicken patties in the microwave thawing group was significantly lower than those of the other three thawing groups(P<0.05).The thawing loss rate,cooking loss rate and TBARS value of the low temperature thawing group were significantly lower than those of the room temperature and microwave thawing groups(P<0.05).The total sulfhydryl group content of the low temperature thawing group was higher than those of the other thawing groups(P<0.05).In summary,low temperature thawing is the best thawing method for chicken patties among the four thawing methods,which can effectively maintain the quality of chicken patties.


吕梁学院生物与食品工程系,山西 吕梁 030001吕梁学院生物与食品工程系,山西 吕梁 030001吕梁学院生物与食品工程系,山西 吕梁 030001吕梁学院生物与食品工程系,山西 吕梁 030001



chicken pattythawing methodqualitylipid oxidationprotein oxidation

《肉类研究》 2024 (9)



