Indian Intelligence Reform Since Modi Came to Power:Measures,Motivations and Influences
[Research purpose]Since Indian Prime Minister Modi came to power,some new measures have been taken in the field of na-tional security intelligence to promote the process of Indian intelligence reform.A systematic review of India's intelligence reform since Modi took office helps to understand the changes in India's national security and foreign policy and their potential impact on China's nation-al security.[Research method]Based on the review of existing literature,including Indian official information,media reports,and relat-ed academic literature,combined with the theory of intelligence science and international relations,this paper analyses the measures,moti-vations and impacts of Indian intelligence reform since Modi came to power.[Research conclusion]The Modi government has effectively promoted the process of Indian intelligence reform by reforming the system and mechanism of intelligence work,adjusting the organization-al functions of intelligence agencies,promoting international intelligence cooperation,and using advanced scientific and technological a-chievements to enhance intelligence work capabilities.The motivation of the Modi government's intelligence reform comes from the need to deal with multiple security threats,Modi's efforts to make the intelligence agency serve his domestic political purposes,and the consid-eration of enhancing India's international influence.The adjusted Indian intelligence system has further strengthened its political status in India,improved the quality and efficiency of intelligence work,enhanced the coordination of intelligence work,and played a more obvious role in supporting India's national security and great power strategy.However,these reform measures have also brought about the"politici-zation of intelligence"in India and increased the complexity of the geopolitical environment in the Indo-Pacific region.
中共陕西省委党校(陕西行政学院)西安 710061||西安交通大学 西安 710049西安交通大学 西安 710049
Modi governmentintelligence reformIndia intelligence worknational securityintelligence cooperation
《情报杂志》 2024 (010)
54-60,47 / 8