

Identification of Landslide Easy Happening Areas Based on Multi-source Remote Sensing Data


滑坡灾害的早期识别和易发生区域的监控是防灾减灾的重要工作.本文以山东省沂源县为研究区域,将HJ-2A CCD光学影像和ASTER GDEM地形数据进行数据处理形成多源异构数据,利用决策树方法提取2022年和2023年同时期滑坡易发生区域,并通过面积变化和空间叠加分析对提取结果进行了时间和空间变化分析,结果表明:本文所使用的多源遥感数据和提取方法能够较好的识别是滑坡易发生区域,总体精度为90%,Kappa系数为0.802;相较于2022年易发生滑坡区域面积17.526 km2,2023年滑坡易发生区域面积为24.875 km2,增长7.35 km2,变化率41.94%;在空间一致性分析中,无风险区域面积为1 611.60 km2,低风险区域面积为2.24 km2,新风险区域面积为9.59 km2,高风险区域面积为15.29 km2.研究成果可为滑坡易发生区域提取和山东省沂源县的滑坡地质灾害预防提供参考.

Early identification of landslide hazards and monitoring of easy happening areas are important work in disaster prevention and mitigation.In this paper,taking Yiyuan county in Shandong province as the research area,the HJ-2A CCD optical image and ASTER GDEM terrain data have been processed to form multi-source heterogeneous data.The decision tree method has used to extract landslide prone areas in the same period in 2022 and 2023.The extraction results have been analyzed for temporal and spatial changes through area change and spatial superposition analysis.It is showed that the multi-source remote sensing data and extraction method used in this paper could identify landslide prone areas well,with an o-verall accuracy of 90%and a Kappa coefficient of 0.802.Comparing with the landslide easy happening area of 17.526km2 in 2022,landslide easy happening area is 24.875km2 in 2023,which has increased 7.35km2,and the change rate is 41.94%.In spatial consistency analysis,the area of the risk-free zone is 1611.60km2,the area of the low-risk zone is 2.24km2,the area of the new risk zone is 9.59km2,and the area of high-risk zone is 15.29km2.The research results can provide reference for extracting landslide easy happening areas and preventing landslide geological disasters in Yiyuan county in Shandong province.


山东省煤田地质局第一勘探队,山东 青岛 266400山东省煤田地质局第一勘探队,山东 青岛 266400山东省煤田地质局第一勘探队,山东 青岛 266400山东省煤田地质局第一勘探队,山东 青岛 266400山东省煤田地质局第一勘探队,山东 青岛 266400山东省煤田地质局第一勘探队,山东 青岛 266400



Landslide identificationmulti-source datadecision treeYiyuan county in Shandong prov-ince

《山东国土资源》 2024 (10)



