Fungal community and sources of heap fermentation during Jiangxiangxing Baijiu production
Heap fermentation is the most challenging step in Jiangxiangxing Baijiu production and also a window for environmental mi-croorganisms to participate in fermentation.Fungal communities are considered to be the main contributors to the saccharification and fer-mentation of Jiangxiangxing Baijiu.This study aimed to examine the variability and origins of fungi in heap fermentation,offering a biologi-cal foundation for regulating and controlling heap fermentation.High-throughput sequencing technology was used to assess the fungal com-munity,and the possible sources of fungi were further analyzed by three-phase diagram comparison and SourceTracker analysis.Results showed that fungal diversity significantly decreased over time,indicating a strong selection of fungi.The dominant fungi include Pichia(average relative abundance is 82.75%),Saccharomyces(5.75%),Thermoascus(2.75%),Aspergillus(2.25%),and Monascus(1.12%).Daqu(with an average contribution ratio of 33.14%)mainly contributed molds and other microorganisms,while the operating environment(with an average contribution ratio of 66.71%)mainly provided yeast.This study emphasized the enrichment effect of heap fermentation on core microorganisms,and both Daqu and the environment contributed to the source of functional microorganisms.This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the role of the accumulation environment of Jiangxiangxing Baijiu.
heap fermentationenvironment microbiotamicrobial sourcefungal communityDaqu
《食品与发酵工业》 2024 (20)