

Study on the Influencing Factors and Moisture Variation of Maize Deep-layer Drying


针对玉米干燥过程中水分变化规律认识不深入,导致实际生产中粮食干燥设备干燥控制自动化水平有限等问题,采用热风深层顺逆流干燥装置,探究高水分玉米在烘干过程中水分与干燥段内温度、湿度和排粮频率之间的变化规律;利用皮尔逊相关性分析法验证干燥段内水分与温度和湿度之间的相关性;利用过程模拟软件对干燥过程进行模拟分析,探究加热温度和干燥温度对干燥过程的能耗和能量效率影响,并进一步分析干燥过程的能量分布情况.结果表明:干燥过程中玉米的水分变化与干燥段内温度和湿度均具有强相关性.当排粮频率为10 Hz,烘干温度从70℃增加到90℃,达到安全水分干燥时间从225 min减少为135 min,而排粮频率较高时(20 Hz),不同烘干温度下的玉米水分变化规律较相近.此外,烘干30 min后计算的玉米水分与温度及湿度的R值都大于0.9,表明干燥过程中玉米的水分变化与干燥段内温度和湿度均具有强相关性.进一步通过模拟计算结果表明,当空气加热温度从70℃增加到100℃,干燥能量效率从54.8%明显升高至73.0%,而干燥温度从45℃增加到50℃,能量效率从73.0%降低至66.4%.增加空气加热温度和降低干燥温度可以降低空气热损失,有助于降低干燥过程能耗并提高能量效率.

The poor understanding of the moisture change in the process of maize drying caused the limited automation level of the drying control of grain drying equipment in the actual production.This study focuses on investigating the variations of moisture of high moisture corn with the temperature,humidity,and the frequency of grain discharge during the drying process by a cross-flow and counter-flow hot air dryer.Pearson correlation analysis is employed to verify the correlation between moisture content and temperature/humidity during the drying sections.Process simulation software is utilized to analyze the drying process.The effects of heating temperature and drying temperature on energy consumption and energy efficiency during the drying process are studied.Moreover,the energy distribution during the drying process is also analyzed.The results indicated that a strong correlation between the moisture of corn and the temperature/humidity during the drying stages.When the grain discharge frequency was 10 Hz,the drying time of maize decreased from about 225 min to 135 min due to the drying temperature increased from about 80℃ to 90℃.Besides,when the grain discharge frequency was high(20 Hz),the change of maize moisture exhibited similar case at different drying temperatures.In addition,after 30 mins drying of maize,the calculated R values of moisture with temperature/humidity were all more than 0.90,indicating a strong correlation between the moisture of maize and the temperature/humidity during the drying processes.The calculation results further show energy efficiency of maize drying processes increased from 54.8%to 73.0%due to the increase of air temperature from 70℃ to 100℃.While energy efficiency decreased from73.0%to 66.4%after increasing of drying temperature is 45℃ to 50℃.It can be seen that increasing the heating temperature and reducing the drying temperature can reduce air heat loss,which contributes to reducing energy consumption and improves the energy efficiency of maize drying processes.


辽宁省粮食科学研究所,沈阳 110032辽宁省粮食科学研究所,沈阳 110032辽宁省粮食科学研究所,沈阳 110032辽宁省粮食科学研究所,沈阳 110032辽宁省粮食科学研究所,沈阳 110032



law of moisture changePearson correlationmathematical modelenergy consumption and energy efficiency

《沈阳农业大学学报》 2024 (5)



