Research on the Design of Interdisciplinary Thematic Learning in Mathematics"Synthesis and Practice"
数学"综合与实践"领域的跨学科主题学习是一种凸显综合性和实践性的课程设计,它立足数学学科,以适切的主题作为整合其它学科知识的设计出发点,生成跨学科的、由真实性任务和问题组成的系列课程单元,允许学生采用多样性的学习方式和工具,独立或者合作开展具有挑战性的学习活动,发展起创新意识、实践能力、社会担当等综合素养.遵循课程与教学的基本规律,从目标、内容、过程以及评价 4 方面厘清跨学科主题学习的设计思路:在课程目标上,应体现素养立意,兼顾学科素养和跨学科素养;在课程内容上,以数学核心概念为抓手,整体设计主题以及与其匹配的任务、材料、问题和工具,形成一系列结构化课程单元;在活动过程上,以设计思维的五环节作为主线推进项目式学习或主题式学习;在评价体系上,回应课程目标,统整学习评价的三大功能,全面检核跨学科主题学习的实践质量.
Interdisciplinary thematic learning in the field of"synthesis and practice"is a curriculum design that highlights comprehensiveness and practicality.It is based on mathematics discipline,with appropriate themes as the design starting point for integrating knowledge from other disciplines,generating interdisciplinary curriculum units composed of authentic tasks and problems,allowing students to adopt diverse learning methods and tools,independently or collaboratively carry out challenging learning activities,and develop comprehensive literacy such as innovation awareness,practical ability,and social responsibility.Following the basic laws of curriculum and teaching,the design ideas of interdisciplinary thematic learning is clarified from the four dimensions of goal,content,process and evaluation.In terms of curriculum objectives,it should reflect core literacy and balance disciplinary and interdisciplinary literacy.In terms of curriculum content,based on the core mathematical concepts,a series of structured course units are formed by over all designing themes and its matching tasks,materials,problems,and tools.In terms of activity process,five links of design thinking can be used as the main thread to promote project-based learning or thematic learning.In terms of evaluation system,it responds to course objectives,integrates the three major functions of learning evaluation,and comprehensively checks the practical quality of interdisciplinary thematic learning.
华南师范大学 数学科学学院,广东 广州 510631
interdisciplinary thematic learningsynthesis and practicethematic learningcurriculum content design
《数学教育学报》 2024 (5)
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