

The Development and Future Prospect of the Status of Mathematics Subject in College Entrance Examination


高考科目地位不仅与大中学拔尖创新人才培养密切相关,而且关乎民众的切身利益.1952 年建立高考制度以来的七十余年间,数学在高考中的地位经历过跌宕起伏,总体上呈现出趋于必要性、重要性以及一致性的特点.同时存在数学应作为必考科目还是选考科目、数学科目应采取文理分卷还是文理合卷、数学在不同招考科类的重要程度是否相同 3 个方面的争议问题.这些问题归根结蒂在于高校不同专业对数学知识的需求存在区别、高考数学对高中数学教学具有强势的引导作用,同时受制于高考科目改革的环境.为了更好地发挥高考数学功能、满足当前及未来社会对数学拔尖创新人才的需求,未来高考数学科目地位的演变方向应为:延续必要性地位、承继重要性地位以及调整一致性地位,具体表现为数学应继续作为高考必考科目,高考数学试卷应逐渐从单一走向多元以及数学在高考各招考科类的重要程度应渐趋差异.

The status of college entrance examination subjects is not only closely related to the cultivation of top innovative talents in universities and middle schools,but also related to the vital interests of the public.This paper takes mathematics subjects as an example to further explore.In the more than 70 years since the establishment of the college entrance examination system in 1952,the status of mathematics in the college entrance examination has experienced ups and downs,and its evolution generally shows the characteristics of necessity,importance and consistency.At the same time,there are three controversial issues:whether mathematics should be regarded as a compulsory subject or an optional subject,whether mathematics should be divided into arts and sciences papers or a combination of arts and sciences papers,and whether mathematics has the same importance in different subjects.In the final analysis,these problems lie in the difference in the demand for mathematics knowledge in different majors in colleges and universities,the strong guiding role of college entrance examination mathematics in high school mathematics teaching,and it is subject to the environment of college entrance examination subject reform.In order to give full play to the mathematics function of college entrance examination and meet the current and future social needs for top innovative talents in mathematics,the evolution direction of the status of mathematics subject in college entrance examination in the future should be as follows:continue the position of necessity,inherit the position of importance,and adjust the status of consistency,which is manifested in the fact that mathematics should continue to be a compulsory subject in the college entrance examination,the mathematics papers of the college entrance examination should gradually move from single to diverse,and the importance of mathematics in each subject category of the college entrance examination should gradually diverge.


湖南第一师范学院 数学与统计学院,湖南 长沙 410205



the national college entrance examinationthe national college entrance examination in mathematicstop innovative talentsubject statusreform of college entrance examination

《数学教育学报》 2024 (6)


