

Fostering Virtue Trough Mathematics Education:A Systematic Review of Affective Domain Objectives in Compulsory Mathematics Curriculum Standards in China


学生情感、态度和价值观这些情意因素作为学生素养的重要组成在落实素养导向的教育改革中扮演着重要角色.对新中国成立以来义务教育数学课程纲要或标准中的情意领域目标进行系统回顾与分析,发现在中国数学课程文件中很早便出现针对学生情意的培养要求,其具体内容和要求受社会发展影响,逐渐从集体主义取向转变为社会发展取向,再到学生发展取向的转变.直到 21 世纪初的课程改革,在数学课程标准中情意领域的内容和角色才逐步变得具体和清晰,更关注数学学科特点,也更重视学生个体的情意发展和过程性目标.研究结果可为落实数学学科立德树人和素养导向的教学以及学生在数学方面的情意发展提供建议,包括应将立德树人内容具体融入现有情意领域目标体系,并重视教师情意素养的发展.

In the context of competency-based curriculum reform,the development of students'affective domain,encompassing emotions,attitudes and values,plays an increasingly significant role.This paper systematically reviews and analyzes the incorporation of affective goals in the mathematics curriculum syllabus or standards in China since its establishment.The findings reveal that the cultivation requirements for students'affective domains appeared in mathematics curriculum documents at an early stage,and their specific contents and requirements were influenced by the development of the society,which gradually shifted from the collectivist orientation to the social development orientation and then to the students'development orientation.It was not until the curriculum reform at the beginning of the 21st century that the contents and role of the affective domain became explicit in mathematics curriculum standards,focusing on the unique characteristics of mathematics discipline,as well as placing greater emphasis on the development of individuals'affective and process goals.The results of this study can provide recommendations for fostering virtue through mathematics education and implementing competency-based instruction in mathematics,including the content of fostering students'virtue should be specifically integrated into the existing goal system of the affective domain and that emphasis should be placed on the development of teachers'affective competency.


华东师范大学 教师教育学院,上海 200062||浙江省新思维教育科学研究院,浙江 杭州 310003香港教育大学 数学与资讯科技学系,香港 999077珠海华发教育教育研究中心,广东 珠海 519000香港教育大学 数学与资讯科技学系,香港 999077



fostering virtue through mathematics educationmathematics curriculum syllabus and standardsaffective domainmathematics curriculum reform

《数学教育学报》 2024 (6)


