

The Relation between Individual and Group Achievement Levels and Students'Math Enjoyment:Empirical Analysis of TIMSS 2019


愉悦对学生的学习过程和结果至关重要.使用TIMSS2019国际调查中 11个参与国家和地区的数学学科数据,探究了中学生个人成绩及班级学业水平对愉悦这一情绪的影响.结果表明:(1)个人成绩与数学愉悦呈正相关,而班级学业成就在除芬兰以外的所有样本中与愉悦呈负相关;(2)个人成绩在班级学业水平和愉悦间存在调节作用,但并不适用于中国香港、日本和韩国;(3)性别在班级学业水平和愉悦间的调节作用仅仅在中国台湾地区和芬兰样本中发现,并呈现出相反的结果.启示:(1)需要更多关注学生非认知因素在学习过程和结果中所扮演的角色;(2)一些在重点班级任教的教师,需要更加重视环境差异中同等能力水平学生在非认知表现上的差异;(3)学校可构建包含学生非认知能力发展指标在内的教师评价体系,提高教师的育人能力;(4)教师需要给予女生更多的学业鼓励和情感支持.

Enjoyment,as the most common positive emotion experienced by students,is of great importance to students'learning and outcomes.This study used the TIMSS 2019 international survey database and selected the data of eighth graders from 11 countries and regions to explore the relation between individual-and group-level math achievement and enjoyment.The results showed that individual-level achievement was positively correlated with math enjoyment,while group-level achievement was negatively correlated with enjoyment except Finland.Individual performance moderated the relationship between class academic level and enjoyment,but it was not applicable to Hong Kong,Japan and South Korea.The moderating effect of gender on class academic level and pleasure was only found in the samples of Taiwan and Finland,and showed opposite results.Implications:more attention needs to be paid to the role of students'non-cognitive factors in the learning process and outcome;some teachers teaching in key classes need to pay more attention to the differences in non-cognitive performance of students with the same ability level in environmental differences;schools can construct a teacher evaluation system including students'non-cognitive ability development indicators to improve teachers'ability to educate people;teachers need to give more academic encouragement and emotional support to girls.


华东师范大学 数学科学学院,上海 201100北京师范大学 未来教育学院,广东 珠海 519000



math achievementenjoymentbig-fish-little-pond effecthierarchical linear modelTIMSS

《数学教育学报》 2024 (6)


