

"Mathematics·Philosophy·Education":Mr.Zheng Yu-xin's Academic Life



The Selected Essays on Mathematics Education of Zheng Yu-xin is a significant representation of Zheng Yu-xin's academic journey,encompassing"mathematics,philosophy,and education."This collection covers topics such as the transition from the philosophy of mathematics to the philosophy of mathematics education,the theory and practice of mathematical methodology,mathematics education from an international perspective,the definition and construction of the Chinese mathematics teaching tradition,the theoretical review of curriculum reform,the trend toward"deep teaching",and the focus on teachers'professional growth,etc.The book systematically demonstrates the origins and development process of the discipline of the philosophy of mathematics education in China,as well as the theoretical and practical results achieved.It holds important reference value for mathematics teachers'seeking to enhance their philosophical thinking and rationally analyze and address various challenges in mathematics education.


内蒙古师范大学 科学技术史研究院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010022||河南师范大学 数学与统计学院,河南 新乡 453007||河南师范大学 智能教育河南省协同创新中心,河南 新乡 453007内蒙古师范大学 科学技术史研究院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010022



mathematics·philosophy·educationin-depth teachingcurriculum reformteacher professional developmentselected essays on mathematics education

《数学教育学报》 2024 (6)


内蒙古自治区教育厅科学技术史一流学科科研专项项目——中国近代数学教学史研究(YLXKZX-NSD-061)内蒙古师范大学2023年度研究生科研创新基金资助项目——史密斯(David Eugene Smith,1860-1944)数学教育贡献研究(CXJJB23024)
