

Genome-wide Association Analysis of Root Traits at Seedlings Stage under Low Phosphorus Stress in Soybean(Glycine max L.)


大豆是喜磷作物,缺磷会导致大豆减产甚至无法正常生长.大豆根系性状是鉴定大豆耐低磷性的重要指标,因此,挖掘调控大豆低磷胁迫功能的相关基因对提高大豆低磷耐受性和大豆育种尤为关键.利用206份大豆种质资源,在低磷和常磷处理下对大豆根系形态性状进行表型鉴定,以低磷处理下根重、总根长、根总表面积、根总体积和相对根重、相对总根长、相对根总表面积、相对根总体积作为耐低磷性状鉴定指标,基于93 436个SNPs(single nucleotide polymorphisms)进行全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study,GWAS),筛选显著关联的SNPs位点并挖掘候选基因.结果表明:不同大豆种质的耐低磷性差异明显,低磷处理下的根重、总根长、根总体积和根总表面积的变化范围分别为0.04~0.75 g、700.95~4 300.12 cm、0.96~8.56 cm3和91.54~614.58 cm2,相对根重、相对总根长、相对根总体积和相对根总表面积的变化范围分别为0.34~2.07,0.49~1.78,0.52~1.96,0.4~1.67.全基因组关联分析共鉴定出49个与大豆耐低磷性显著相关的SNP位点,其中与低磷处理下根重、根总表面积、根总体积相关的SNP位点共有10个,与相对根重、相对根长、相对根总表面积和相对根总体积相关的SNP位点共有39个.通过单倍型分析与LD block分析得到候选基因2个,分别是在根中特异性表达为编码磷酸泛乙炔基转移酶相关的基因和α-葡聚糖磷酸化酶.qRT-PCR结果显示,低磷处理后GmYB1和GmYB3的表达量在耐低磷品种中显著高于低磷敏感品种.研究结果为深入了解大豆耐低磷胁迫的分子机制提供了理论参考及基因资源.

Soybean is a phosphorus loving crop,the lack of phosphorus can lead to reduced soybean yields or even prevent normal growth.Soybean root traits are an important index to identify soybean tolerance to low phosphorus,therefore,it is particularly important to explore the related genes regulating the function of low phosphorus stress in soybean to improve the low phosphorus tolerance and soybean breeding.In this study,206 soybean germplasm resources were used for phenotypic identification of root morphological traits under low and normal phosphorus treatments.In the low phosphorus treatment,root weight,total root length,root total surface area,root total volume,as well as relative root weight,relative total root length,relative root total surface area,and relative root total volume were utilized as indicators for assessing low phosphorus tolerance traits.A genome-wide association study(GWAS)was performed based on 93 436 SNPs(single nucleotide polymorphisms)to screen significant associated SNPs loci and mine candidate genes.The results indicate significant variations in phosphorus tolerance among different soybean germplasms.Under low-phosphorus conditions,the range of variation in root weight,total root length,root total volume,and root total surface area is 0.04 to 0.75 grams,700.95 to 4300.12 centimeters,0.96 to 8.56 cubic centimeters,and 91.54 to 614.58 square centimeters,respectively.The relative root weight,relative total root length,relative total root volume and relative total root surface area ranged from 0.34 to 2.07,0.49 to 1.78,0.52 to 1.96 and 0.4 to 1.67,respectively.Genome-wide association analysis identified a total of 49 SNPs loci significantly associated with soybean phosphorus tolerance.Among them,10 SNPs loci were associated with root weight,root total surface area,and root total volume under low phosphorus treatment,while 39 SNPs loci were associated with relative root weight,relative root length,relative root total surface area,and relative root total volume.By haplotype analysis and LD block analysis,two candidate genes were obtained,which were specifically expressed in the root for encoding phosphopanethynyltransferase and α-glucan phosphorylase.The results of qRT-PCR showed that the expression levels of GmYB1 and GmYB3 in low-P tolerant varieties were significantly higher than those in low-P sensitive varieties after low-P treatment.The findings of this study provide a theoretical reference and genetic resources for a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying soybean tolerance to low phosphorus stress.


沈阳农业大学农学院,沈阳 110161沈阳农业大学农学院,沈阳 110161沈阳农业大学农学院,沈阳 110161沈阳农业大学农学院,沈阳 110161沈阳农业大学农学院,沈阳 110161沈阳农业大学农学院,沈阳 110161沈阳农业大学农学院,沈阳 110161沈阳农业大学农学院,沈阳 110161沈阳农业大学农学院,沈阳 110161中国农业科学院作物科学研究所/农作物基因资源与遗传改良国家重大科学工程/农业农村部北京大豆生物学重点实验室,北京 100081



soybeanlow phosphorus stressroot characterSNPGWAScandidate gene

《沈阳农业大学学报》 2024 (6)



