

Design and experiment of double helix conveying and grading device for citrus


针对目前柑橘人工分级效率低,现有自动化分级设备成本高、无法灵活移动的问题,设计一款基于双螺旋输送装置的车载式柑橘分级系统.在阐述总体结构及工作原理的基础上,结合柑橘翻转特性,得到影响柑橘翻转稳定性的主要因素为螺距、轴心距、挡条高度和转速;通过SolidWorks Motion运动学仿真,优化双螺旋机构主要参数的取值范围;运用Box-Behnken中心组合设计方法进行响应面试验,得到最优参数组合为螺距 77.97 mm,轴心距 65.67 mm,挡条高度36.35 mm,转速 161.83 r/min.样机试验表明,对于果径规格 60~100 mm的柑橘,在最优参数组合下,平均全表面获取率均可达到 96%,满足柑橘在线检测的要求.研究为类球形水果的车载式在线检测系统的研发提供参考.

To address the challenges of low efficiency in manual citrus grading,high costs,and the immobility of existing automatic citrus grading systems,a truck-mounted grading system based on a double screw conveyor was developed.Based on its overall structure and operational principles and considering the rotational characteristics of citrus fruits,the main factors influencing citrus rotational stability were identified as screw pitch,axis distance,bar height and rotational speed.The value range of key parameters for double screw mechanism was optimized by using SolidWorks Motion simulation.The response surface test was carried out by Box-Behnken center combination design,and the optimal parameter combination was obtained as follows:screw pitch 77.97 mm,axis distance 65.67 mm,bar height 36.35 mm,and rotational speed 161.83 r/min.Prototype test shows that for citrus fruits with diameters ranging from 60 to 100 mm,the system can achieve an average full surface acquisition rate of 96%under the optimal parameter combination,which meets the requirements for online citrus detection.The research provides a reference for the development of an truck-mounted online detection system for spherical fruits.


江苏大学 食品与生物工程学院,江苏 镇江 212013江苏大学 食品与生物工程学院,江苏 镇江 212013江苏大学 食品与生物工程学院,江苏 镇江 212013江苏大学 食品与生物工程学院,江苏 镇江 212013江苏大学 食品与生物工程学院,江苏 镇江 212013


citrusdouble screwmachine visionfull surface acquisition

《包装与食品机械》 2024 (6)



