

Analysis of growth trends and imbalances of height among Xinjiang Uygur primary and secondary school students aged 7-18 from 1985 to 2019


目的:了解新疆7~18岁维吾尔族中小学生身高的发育情况、变化趋势及城乡不平衡性.方法:选取 1985、2000、2010年和2019年4次全国学生体质与健康调研中的新疆7~18岁维吾尔族中小学生共18112例,分为城男、乡男、城女、乡女4个群体,计算各阶段身高的增幅、每10年增速、发育高峰年龄及变异系数,对差异进行单因素方差分析.结果:1985-2019年,新疆维吾尔族7~18岁中小学生身高总体呈增加趋势,城男、乡男、城女、乡女平均身高分别增长了7.59、5.27、6.00、2.88 cm(P均<0.001).各年龄组增幅不一,男生和城市学生增幅较大.城市学生2010-2019年身高增速最快(城男4.65 cm/10年、城女4.97 cm/10年),乡村学生1985-2000年身高增速最快(乡男4.04 cm/10年、乡女3.22 cm/10年),2000-2010年各组身高均呈负增长.维吾尔族7~18岁中小学生除城女身高突增高峰年龄提前外,城男、乡男和乡女突增高峰年龄较平稳,近年有下降趋势;维吾尔族城市18岁男女平均身高差从1985的11.39 cm增大到2019年的14.20 cm,乡村地区从1985年的11.44 cm增大到2019年的13.26 cm,乡村学生增长潜力较大.身高不平衡使用身高变异系数(coefficient of variation of height,CV-h)来衡量,结果表明,34 年间乡村学生CV-h有减小趋势,城市学生CV-h则增大,2010年开始城市学生CV-h大于乡村学生,各年份男生CV-h均大于女生.结论:维吾尔族7~18岁中小学生身高呈持续增长趋势,总体增速减缓,特别是乡村男女,但城市增速增高;维吾尔族学生存在明显的城乡身高不平衡现象,城市内部不平衡性扩大,乡村减小.应更多地关注这些地区差异,并制定政策和战略,以减少身高不平衡性.

Objective:To understand the height development,trend and urban-rural inequality of Uygur primary and secondary school students aged 7-18 in Xinjiang.Methods:The height of 18 112 Uygur primary and secondary school students aged 7-18 in Xinjiang by national students fitness and health survey report in 1985,2000,2010,and 2019 were selected,which were divided into four groups:urban boys,rural boys,urban girls,and rural girls.The growth increment at each stage,the growth rate every ten years,the age at peak height velocity and the coefficient of variation were calculated.The differences were analyzed by one-way ANOVA.Results:From 1985 to 2019,the height of Uyghur primary and secondary school students aged 7-18 years in Xinjiang showed an overall increasing trend.The average height of urban boys,rural boys,urban girls,and rural girls increased by 7.59,5.27,6.00,and 2.88 cm(all P<0.001).The growth increment of each age group was different,and the growth rate of boys and urban students were larger.From 2010 to 2019,the height growth of urban students were the fastest(boys 4.65 cm/10 years,girls 4.97 cm/10 years),and that of rural students were the fastest(boys 4.04 cm/10 years,girls 3.22 cm/10 years)from 1985 to 2000.From 2000 to 2010,the height of boys and girls increased negatively.The age at peak height velocity of urban boys,rural boys and rural girls are relatively stable except that of urban girls enhanced,and there were downward trend in recent years.The average height of gender difference of 18-year-old Uyghur urban students increased from 11.39 cm in 1985 to 14.20 cm in 2019,and that of rural students increased from 11.44 cm in 1985 to 13.26 cm in 2019.The growth potential of rural students was large.The height inequality was measured by the coefficient of variation of height(CV-h).The results show that rural CV-h had decreased,while urban CV-h had increased in the past 34 years.Since 2010,CV-h of urban students was larger than rural students,and boys was larger than girls in all survey years.Conclusion:The height of Uyghur primary and secondary school students aged 7-18 years continues to increase,and the overall growth rate has slowed down,especially in rural areas,but the urban growth rate has increased;Uyghurs students have obvious height inequalities between urban and rural areas.The difference between urban and rural areas is expanding,and the inequality within urban areas is expanding,while that in rural areas is decreasing.More attention should be paid to these regional differences,and policies and strategies should be formulated to reduce height inequality.


新疆艺术学院公共基础部,新疆 乌鲁木齐 840049新疆师范大学体育学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830054



heightUyghurstudentsecular trendinequality

《南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (001)

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