

Detection of 18 plasticizers in rapeseed oil sold in Guiyang and their risk assessment


为了解贵阳地区菜籽油中邻苯二甲酸脂类(PAEs)塑化剂污染水平,选择贵阳商场、超市、农贸市场、小作坊的市售不同质量等级塑料包装菜籽油65 个,依据GB5009.271-2016《食品安全国家标准 食品中邻苯二甲酸酯的测定》,利用SPE-GC-MS联用法对DBP、DEHP等 18 种邻苯二甲酸类物质进行检测和膳食摄入风险研究.结果表明:65 个样品中除DAP、BMPP、DPP、DPhP、DINP、DNP外,其余12种PAEs均有不同程度的检出,DBP、DEHP、DBEP存在超出国家标准限量情况,三种塑化剂超标率和测定浓度范围分别为 16.92%(0.006〜4.872 mg/kg)、10.77%(0.085〜3.785 mg/kg)、1.54%(0.088〜0.56 mg/kg),小作坊生产的菜籽油风险较大,超标率较高,达 33.33%,应引起政府相关部门和消费者重视;18 种塑化剂摄入风险均可接受,但应从生产、加工、储存等环节控制贵阳地区菜籽油质量安全风险.

In order to understand the pollution level of phthalate esters(PAEs)plasticizers in rapeseed oil sold in Guiyang,65 plastic packaged rapeseed oils of different quality grades were bought from the shopping malls,supermarkets,farmers'markets and small workshops in Guiyang.According to GB 5009.271-2016 National Food Safety Standard-Determination of Phthalates in Foods,the SPE-GC-MS method was used to detect DBP,DEHP and other 18 kinds of phthalates in the rapeseed oil samples and analyze dietary intake risk of the phthalates.The results showed that,except for DAP,BMPP,DPP,DPhP,DINP and DNP,the remaining 12 PAEs in 65 rapeseed oil samples were detected to various degrees.DBP,DEHP and DBEP exceeded the national standard limit.The rate of exceeding the standard and the measured concentration range of the three plasticizers were 16.92%(0.006〜4.872 mg/kg),10.77%(0.085〜3.785 mg/kg)and 1.54%(0.088〜0.56 mg/kg),respectively.Rapeseed oil produced in small workshops had higher risk and the rate of phthalates exceeding the standard limits was 33.33%.Relevant government departments and consumers should pay attention to this issue.The intake risks of 18 plasticizers were in the acceptable range,but the quality and safety risks of rapeseed oil sold in Guiyang should be controlled from production,processing and storage.


贵州省分析测试研究院,贵阳 550000贵州省检测技术研究应用中心,贵阳 550000贵阳市妇幼保健院,贵阳 550000



Guiyangrapeseed oilplasticizerintake risk

《中国食品添加剂》 2024 (001)

16-23 / 8

"贵州省农业生态特色产业检验检测大数据平台研发与应用"黔科中引地[2021]4026,"贵阳地区菜籽油中邻苯二甲酸酯类(PAEs)分布特征及迁移规律研究"黔科院J字[2021]42 号.

