

Development of Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction Technology and Its Progress in Disease Detection


数字聚合酶链式反应(Digital polymerase chain reaction,dPCR)技术是通过将反应体系均分到数万个独立的PCR反应单元进行单分子级扩增,并结合泊松分布实现单拷贝核酸分子精确定量分析的PCR技术.dPCR技术具有灵敏度高、无需标准曲线等优势,被广泛应用于疾病检测领域.随着阶梯乳化和三维成像等技术的引入,dPCR技术在检测精度、多重检测和检测速度等方面得到极大改进,显著提升了其临床疾病诊断性能.本文追溯了dPCR技术的发展历程,对其在肿瘤和感染等疾病检测中的应用进行了综述,分析了dPCR技术发展存在的挑战与机遇,以期为dPCR技术未来的开发利用提供参考,推动临床检验分子技术高质量发展.

Digital polymerase chain reaction(dPCR)is a PCR technology that realizes accurate quantification of single-copy nucleic acid molecules by dividing the reaction system into tens of thousands of independent PCR reaction units for single-molecule-level amplification and integrating Poisson distribution.Due to its single-copy sensitivity and accurate quantification without the need of standard curves,dPCR has been widely used in disease diagnosis.By introducing technologies such as stepped emulsification and three-dimensional imaging,dPCR has been greatly improved in terms of accuracy,multiplexability and turnaround time,significantly enhancing its performance in clinical disease diagnosis.Based on this,this paper traced the technological development history of dPCR,gave an overview of its application in detection of tumors,infections and other diseases,and further discussed the challenges and opportunities of the development of dPCR,with the aim of providing a reference for the development and utilization of dPCR in the future,and promoting the high-quality development of molecular technology in clinical testing.


重庆大学医学院,智慧检验与分子医学中心,重庆 400030||重庆大学生物工程学院,重庆 400044||国家卫健委出生缺陷与生殖健康重点实验室,重庆 400020重庆大学医学院,智慧检验与分子医学中心,重庆 400030重庆大学医学院,智慧检验与分子医学中心,重庆 400030||重庆大学生物工程学院,重庆 400044山东大学第二医院,检验医学中心,济南 250033重庆大学医学院,智慧检验与分子医学中心,重庆 400030||国家卫健委出生缺陷与生殖健康重点实验室,重庆 400020


Digtal polymerase chain reactionMicrofluidic chipDisease diagnosisSingle molecule detectionReview

《分析化学》 2024 (001)


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国家自然科学基金项目(Nos.82125022,82241059,82202633)和中国博士后科学基金项目(No.BX20220194)资助. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.82125022,82241059,82202633)and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded Project(No.BX20220194).

