

Analysis of differences of volatile components in Dalbergia benthamii essential oils extracted by different processes using GC-IMS technology


以两粤黄檀心材为原料,分别采用水蒸气蒸馏法和超临界二氧化碳萃取法提取两粤黄檀心材精油,采用气相色谱-离子迁移谱(Gas Chromatography-Ion Mobility Spectrometry,GC-IMS)技术对两粤黄檀心材及其精油的挥发性成分进行差异分析.结果表明:两粤黄檀心材及不同工艺提取的精油中共检测出已定性的挥发性成分47 种,其中主要成分是醛类17 种,酯类 11 种,萜烯类 7 种,醇类 5 种,主要表现为青草香、薄荷香、果香、花草香、木香、药香等香气特征.PCA及指纹图谱结果显示,不同提取工艺提取的两粤黄檀精油整体挥发性成分有明显的差异性.两种提取方法都能有效地提取两粤黄檀精油,采用超临界二氧化碳提取的两粤黄檀精油中酯类物质和萜烯类物质的含量较为丰富.

Using heartwood of Dalbergia benthamii as raw material,steam distillation and supercritical carbon dioxide extraction were used to extract the essential oil from the heartwood of Dalbergia benthamii.Gas chromatography-ion Mobility Spectrometry(GC-IMS)was used to analyze the differences of volatile components of Dalbergia benthamii heartwood and the differences of the volatile components in its essential oils extracted by different methods.The results showed that 47 species of volatile components were identified in heartwood of Dalbergia benthamii and in Dalbergia benthamii essential oils extracted by different extraction processes,mainly including 17 aldehydes,11 esters,7 terpenes and 5 alcohols.The main aroma characteristics were grass aroma,mint aroma,fruit aroma,herbal aroma,wood aroma and medicinal aroma.The results of PCA and fingerprint showed that there were significant differences in the volatile components of the essential oils of Dalbergia benthamii extracted by different extraction processes.The essential oil of Dalbergia benthamii could be extracted efficiently by both methods,the esters and terpenes of the essential oils extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide were more abundant.


山西农业大学 功能食品研究院,太原 030001



Dalbergia benthamiiessential oilgas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry(GC-IMS)volatile componentsdifferences analysis

《中国食品添加剂》 2024 (002)

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