

Simultaneous determination of five sugar contents in isomaltulose by HPLC-RID based on amide column and their influencing factors


研究高效液相色谱-示差折光检测法(HPLC-RID)同时测定异麦芽酮糖产品中果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖、异麦芽酮糖和海藻酮糖的含量及影响因素.方法采用酰胺基柱,通过精密度试验、t检验确证方法准确性,通过单因素试验和谱图比较确定色谱条件和前处理条件对分离的影响.结果表明,流动相中乙腈的增加能加强糖在酰胺基柱上的保留,三乙胺能显著消除果糖、葡萄糖和海藻酮糖在分离时产生的分裂峰或分叉峰并影响谱图中负峰的位置;样液介质中乙腈、三乙胺分别主要影响溶剂峰和负峰(峰的极性和大小).在流动相中乙腈、三乙胺体积分数分别为75%、0.05%、柱温 45℃、流速 1.0 mL/min、进样体积 10 μL条件下,5 种糖在10 min内基本基线分离,且色谱柱pH耐受安全,实际样品测定结果与COA无显著差异(p=0.05),精密度均小于1.3%,均满足相关检测标准的要求.

Simultaneously determination of the contents of fructose,glucose,sucrose,isomaltulose and trehalulose in isomaltulose products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Refractive Index Detector(HPLC-RID)and their influencing factors was studied.The method used an amide-based column,the accuracy of the method was confirmed by precision test and t-test,the effect of chromatographic conditions and pretreatment conditions on the separation was determined by univariate trials and spectral comparisons.The results showed that the increased proportion of acetonitrile in the mobile phase enhanced the retention of sugars on the amide-based column,during the separation process,triethylamine could significantly eliminate the split or bifurcation peaks produced by fructose,glucose and trehalulose,and affect the position of negative peaks in the spectrum;in the sample medium,acetonitrile mainly affected the polarity and size of the solvent peak,and triethylamine mainly affected the polarity and size of the negative peak.The volume fractions of acetonitrile and triethylamine in the mobile phase were 75%and 0.05%,respectively,column temperature was 45℃,flow rate was 1.0 mL/min,and injection volume was 10 μL,five sugars reached the baseline separation in 10 minutes and the column was safe for pH tolerance,there was no significant difference between the actual sample measurement results and COA(p=0.05),and the precision was less than 1.3%,which met the requirements of relevant testing standards.


澳优乳业(中国)有限公司,长沙 410200



isomaltulosehigh performance liquid chromatography-refractive index detector(HPLC-RID)fructoseglucosesucrosetrehaluloseamide column

《中国食品添加剂》 2024 (002)

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