

Analysis of characteristic aroma compounds in Chinese premium black tea by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography mass spectrometry


以三种中国名优红茶(祁红、金骏眉和滇红)为研究对象,采用溶剂辅助蒸发萃取(SAFE)对三种红茶的香气进行萃取,并分别用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)和全二维气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC×GC-MS)对三种红茶中的香气物质进行鉴定.结果表明,GC×GC-MS共检测出 92 种香气化合物,包括 17 种醇类、17 种酸类、15 种醛类、13 种酯类、12 种酮类等及 18 种其他香气物质.其中GC-MS和GC×GC-MS共同检测出的物质有 51 种,GC×GC-MS新检测出的物质有 41 种.将新检出的物质加入到香气重构组,通过感官分析、绘制S曲线法可分析物质之间的协同作用.S曲线法表明,通过添加呋喃酮、异佛尔酮等OAV≥1 的GC×GC-MS检测出的新香气物质,香气重构组的阈值会发生不同程度的降低,证明这些香气物质是红茶中重要的特征香气物质.通过香气重组感官分析结果表明GC×GC-MS的检测结果可以更准确地反映出红茶的香气组成.因此,GC×GC-MS可以达到充分鉴定红茶特征香气物质组成的目的.

Aroma in three premium black tea(Keemun black tea Jinjunmei black tea,and Yunnan Dianhong)was extracted by solvent-assisted flavor evaporation.The extracted compounds were then identified by gas chromatography mass spectrometry(GC-MS)and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography mass spectrometry(GC×GC-MS).The results showed that a total of 92 aroma compounds were detected,including 17 alcohols,17 acids,15 aldehydes,13 esters,12 ketones and other 18 aroma compounds.There were 51 aroma compounds detected both by GC-MS and GC×GC-MS and 41 aroma compounds were only detected by GC-MS.The newly detected compounds were added to the aroma reconstruction solution,and synergistic effect among aroma compounds were analyzed through sensory analysis and S-curve.The results of S-curve indicated that the threshold of reconstructed aroma was decreased to different extent with the amount of new compounds detected by GC×GC-MS,such as furanone and vanillin,which indicating that these aroma substances were important characteristic aroma substances in black tea.According to the result of sensory analysis of aroma recombination,GC×GC-MS was more accurately reflecting aroma profile of the black tea samples.In conclusion,GC×GC-MS could better identify the characteristic aroma compounds of black tea.


上海应用技术大学香料香精化妆品学部,上海 201418云南中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,昆明 650231



black teacomprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography mass spectrometry(GC×GC-MS)aroma recombinationodor activity value

《中国食品添加剂》 2024 (002)

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