

Research on the Competency Model Construction of Childcare Teachers from the Perspective of Supply and Demand


我国0-3岁婴幼儿托育需求大,而托育教师队伍建设存在师资不足、体系混乱等问题,尚未形成供需适配的托育教师胜任力标准.因此,本研究采用半结构化访谈的方法对"供给侧"的10位托育服务相关从业人员和"需求侧"的10位0-3岁婴幼儿家长进行深入访谈,借助质性分析软件MAXQDA 20对访谈文本进行编码分析.最终,本研究通过对供需双方访谈资料的对比与整合分析,构建出一个科学、系统的托育教师胜任力模型.该模型遵循由外到内、层层深入的逻辑结构,统合形成个性品德、价值观念、专业知识与技能的三维胜任力模型,以期为我国托育教师的培养与发展提供参考框架,更好地促进托育教师的专业化发展,满足0-3岁婴幼儿身心发展需要.

There is a large demand for childcare of infants aged 0-3 in China,but there are problems with insufficient teaching staff and chaotic system in the construction of childcare teacher teams,and a competency standard for childcare teachers from the perspective of supply and demand has not yet been formed.Therefore,we conducted in-depth interviews with 10 practitioners of childcare services on the"supply side"and 10 parents of infants aged 0-3 years on the"demand side"through semi-structured interviews,as well as used the qualitative analysis software MAXQDA 20 to code and analyze the interview text.Finally,we construct a scientific and systematic competency model for childcare teachers through the comparison and integration analysis of interview data from both supply and demand sides.This model follows a logical struc-ture that goes deep from the outside to the inside,layer by layer,and integrates to form a three-dimensional competency model of individual character,values,professional knowledge and skills.It aims to provide a reference framework for the training and development of childcare teachers in China,thereby better promoting the professional development of childcare teachers and meeting the physical and mental development needs of 0-3 years old infants.


北京师范大学教育学部,北京 100875北京师范大学继续教育与教师培训学院,北京 100875



childcare teacherscompetencycomparison of supply and demandinterview

《教师教育研究》 2024 (001)

56-63,121 / 9

