

Effects of Foliar Application of Different Concentrations of Organic-based Biostimulant Formulas on Yield and Quality of Tea(Camellia sinensis L.)in Red Soil Regions


研究不同浓度的海藻叶面肥(Organic-based biostimulant formulas,OBFs)喷施下茶青产量和品质的变化,为红壤区茶树高产优质栽培提供理论指导.在常规施肥的基础上,以不喷施OBFs为对照(T0),在茶园设置 5 个OBFs叶面肥喷施体积分数 0.33%、0.66%、0.99%、1.32%、1.65%,分别记为T1、T2、T3、T4、T5,研究喷施不同浓度OBFs对茶树嫩叶吸收养分、以及茶产量与品质的影响.结果表明,喷施OBFs可以改善茶树农艺性状、促进嫩叶吸收养分和增产提质.与 T0 相比,T1、T2、T3、T4、T5 处理茶青产量分别增加 1.4、1.4、1.3、2.1、2.4 倍(P<0.05).随着 OBFs 喷施浓度增加,茶青总生物碱、咖啡碱和氨基酸的含量先升后降.与T0 相比,T1 和T2 处理茶青总生物碱分别增加 9.6%和 9.3%,咖啡碱分别增加 9.3%和 11.4%,氨基酸含量分别增加 5.0%和 12.4%(P<0.05).此外,T1 和 T2 处理下茶青氮含量分别增加 5.5%和 6.1%,磷含量分别增加 19.9%和 13.3%,钾含量分别增加 20.9%和 10.0%;T1 处理下茶青硅含量增加 14.8%(P<0.05).茶青产量与芽头密度、百芽重、节间长、叶面积、叶绿素含量均显著正相关;茶青咖啡碱、总生物碱与茶青氮、磷、钾和硅含量呈显著正相关,茶青非必需氨基酸、必需氨基酸含量与茶青氮、磷、钾含量均有显著的正相关关系.综上所述,喷施 OBFs 可以提高茶青产量,其中以喷施 1.65%OBFs 茶青产量较高,喷施 0.33%、0.66%OBFs可以提高茶树嫩叶氮、磷、钾和硅元素的含量,改善茶树农艺性状,实现茶青产量和品质的双提升.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of organic-based biostimulant formulas(OBFs)on the yield and quality of tea(Camellia sinensis L.)in red soil regions.A field experiment was therefore conducted to investigate the nutrient uptake,yield,and quality of tea under different fertilization treatments.On the basis of conventional fertilization,foliar applications with the volume percentage concentration of OBFs including 0(T0),0.33% (T1),0.66% (T2),0.99% (T3),1.32% (T4),and 1.65% (T5)were set up.The results show that foliar application of OBFs improved agronomic characteristics,enhanced nutrient uptake of tea plants and improved the tea yield and quality.Compared with the T0 treatment,tea yield in the T1,T2,T3,T4 and T5 treatments increased by 1.4,1.4,1.3,2.1 and 2.4 times,respectively(P<0.05).In addition,as the concentrations of OBFs increased,the contents of total alkaloid,caffeine,and amino acids were first increased and then decreased.The contents of total alkaloid in the T1 and T2 treatments increased by 9.6% and 9.3% ,caffeine increased by 9.3% and 11.4% ,and amino acids increased by 5.0% and 12.4% in comparison with the T0 treatment,respectively(P<0.05).Meanwhile,under T1 and T2 treatments,nitrogen(N)uptake of tea leaves increased by 5.5% and 6.1% ,phosphorus(P)increased by 19.9% and 13.3% and potassium(K)increased by 20.9% and 10.0% ,respectively(P<0.05).Under T1 treatment,silicon(Si)increased by 14.8% .Furthermore,tea yield was positively correlated with bud density,100-bud weight,leaf area and chlorophyll content.Meanwhile,the contents of total alkaloid and caffeine were positively related to N,P,K and Si contents in tea leaves,respectively.Similarly,there was a significant and positive relationship between N,P and K contents in tea leaves and the contents of amino acids and essential amino acids.Overall,foliar application with 1.65% OBFs could increase tea yield,while foliar application with 0.33% and 0.66% OBFs could promote N,P,K and Si uptake in tea leaves,improve agronomic characteristics,which is beneficial for tea yield and quality.


福建省农业科学院资源环境与土壤肥料研究所,福建 福州 350013



organic-based biostimulant formulastea yieldqualitynutrient uptake

《茶叶科学》 2024 (001)

53-61 / 9

